Homeland Security Science & Technology Stakeholders Conference

"Partnering for a Safer Nation"

2 - 5 June 2008

Washington, DC

Monday, June 2, 2008

Training Session 3

Training Session 4

Training Session 5

Training Session 9

  • WMD Terrorism Risk Assessment in DHS Science & Technology, Mr. Steve Bennett, Ph.D.

Training Session 10

Training Session 13

Training Session 14

  • Speaking the Language of Government: How Professional PR and Marketing Can Help You Connect with the Public Secto, Ms. Dawn Onley

Training Session 15

Training Session 16

Training Session 19

Training Session 21

Training Session 22

Training Session 25

Training Session 27

Training Session 30

  • Collaboration with Emergency Management "History & Future Perspectives for CD, EM & IAEM", Ms. Kathleen G. Henning, MA, CEM

Training Session 31

Training Session 33

Training Session 34

Training Session 37

Training Session 38

Training Session 39

Training Session 40

Training Session 41

Training Session 43

Training Session 44

Training Session 45

Training Session 46

  • 2008 Homeland Security S&T Stakeholders Conference East "Partnering for a Safer Nation", Mr. Mark Rider

Training Session 48

  • Securing the 2012 Olympics a Milestone in the UK Policing Improvement Programme, Mr. Michael Hallowes

Training Session 50

Training Session 51

Training Session 52

Training Session 53

Training Session 55

Training Session 56

  • 2008 Homeland Security S&T Stakeholders Conference East "Partnering for a Safer Nation", Mr. Mark Rider

Training Session 59

  • EML Support to First Responders, Ms. Alice Hong
  • Conceptual Modeling for Critical Infrastructure, John Sokolowski, Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

FBI Laboratory


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Opening Remarks:

S&T Partners: First Responders

S&T Partners: International Partners

S&T Partners: Centers of Excellence

S&T Partners: Federal Agencies

S&T Partners: Meeting the Nation's Transportation Challenges


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Key Thrust Areas for the DHS Science & Technology Directorate

S&T Thrust Area: Bombs

S&T Thrust Area: Bugs

S&T Thrust Area: Borders

S&T Thrust Area: Business

  • The Future of the Science and Technology Directorate, Mr. Chris Essid
  • The Command, Control and Interoperability Division Addressing Customer Requirements through the Multi-Band Radio Project, Dr. David Boyd

S&T Thrust Area: Bodies

S&T Thrust Area: Buildings

Business Track: Discussion of the Future of DHS S&T

  • The Command, Control and Interoperability Division Addressing Customer Requirements through the Multi-Band Radio Project, Mr. Tom Chirhart

Bodies Track: Discussion of the Future of DHS S&T

Bugs Track: Discussion of the Future of DHS S&T

Industry Roundtable

Future of DHS S&T

Chemical Activities & Accomplishments

Borders Track: Discussion of the Future of DHS S&T


Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Way Ahead: Bombs

The Way Ahead: Bugs

  • What Needs Attention/The Way Forward: Bugs (Chemical, Biological, Agriculture Security), Mr. Doug Drabkowski

The Way Ahead: Borders

The Way Ahead: Business

The Way Ahead: Bodies

The Way Ahead: Buildings