43rd Annual Armament Systems: Gun & Missile Systems Conference & Exhibition
"Strengthening Capability through People & Technology"
21 - 24 April 2008
New Orleans, LA
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Armament Division Overview
- Mr. Dave Broden, Chair, NDIA Armament Division; Broden Resource Solutions, LLC
Requirements & Trends
Chair: Mr. Jim Ripley, U.S. Marine Corps
- 6372 - Safety Qualifi cation Process for Navy Gun and Ammuniton Systems, Ms. Eileen McConkie, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren
- 6435 - Preserving Critical Knowledge, Mr. Roy Weber, VSE Corporation
- 6526 - Firing US 120MM Tank Ammunition in the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank, Mr. Harlan Huls, ATK Advanced Weapons Division
Direct Fire
Chair: Mr. Don Guziewicz, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 6491 - Development of Light-weight 25MM (LW25) Family of Ammunition, Mr. Lee Olson, ATK Medium Caliber Systems
- S40MM X 180MM Common Case Design Progess, Mr. Zachary Kemp, General Dynamics-OTS
Breakout 1 (1:15 - 4:00)
Direct Fire
Chair: Mr. Don Guziewicz, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 6351 - Performance Assessment of the M1028, 120MM APERS Tank Round, Mr. Brian Levine, U.S. Army Armament Research
- 6338 - Ammunition for the MBT’s Changing Role on the Modern Battlefield, Mr. Jacob Moav, Israel Military Industries
- 6337 - 30MM PGU-13 HEI Cartridge Improvements, Mr. Kirk Gimmy, General Dynamics-OTS
- 6360 - 30MM Air Bursting Munitions for the MK44 Cannon, Mr. Erik Elmer, ATK
- 6362 - 40MM Cased Telescope Technology Coming of Age: How France and the UK are working to bring the technology into the hands of the user, Mr. Charles Hookey, BAE Systems, Land Systems
- 6392 - GD-OTS 20MM X 102MM Mechanically Fuzed Projectile Program, Mr. Zachary Kemp, General Dynamics-OTS
- 6489 - LW30 (30 X 113) Spotter Prototype Modeling and Simulation, Mr. Jim Roth, ATK Medium Caliber Systems
Breakout 1 (4:00 - 5:00)
Chair: Mr. Brian Tasson, ATK
- 6533 - Accelerated Burning of Gun Propellants by Effect of Gasdynamic Oscillations within the Perforations of Propellant Grains, Mr. Gert Pauly, WTD 91, Germany
- Common Low-cost Insensitive Munitions Explosive Program to Replace TNT and Comp B, Mr. Anthony Di Stasio, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 6341 - Insensitive Munitions: A review of the State of the Art, Mr. Bernie Halls, MSIAC, NATO HQ, Belgium
Breakout 2 (1:15 - 5:00)
Effectiveness, Modeling, and Simulation
Chair: Mr. Jeff Siewert, Arrow Tech Associates, Inc.
- 6378 - Alternative Lethality Mechanism, Mr. Michael Lewis, Lockheed Martin Corporation
- 6425 - System Modeling for Projectile Design and Optimization, Mr. Philip Brislin, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 6519 - Development and Fielding of Excalibur Warhead, Mr. Tim Sellers, General Dynamics-OTS
- Evaluation of Fragmenting Warheads, Mr. Jason Angel, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, WMRD
- 6517 - Development of the NLOS-LS PAM Warhead, Mr. David Hunter, General Dynamics-OTS
- Extended Area Protection and Survivability ATO Status, Mr. Arthur Aeberli, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 6440 - Lean System Simulation of Guided Projectiles in the Early Development Stage, Mr. Mark Steinhoff, Arrow Tech Associates, Inc.
- Benefits of Steeper Angle of Fall for Precision Projectiles, Mr. Jim Rodrigue, Raytheon Missile Systems
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
U.S. Navy Keynote:
- CAPT Joseph McGettigan, Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dalgren
Industry Keynote:
- MG Julian Burns, USA (Ret), Vice President, Business Development, BAE Systems
Panel Discussion: Unmanned and Autonomous Systems Weapons Integration
Moderator: Mr. Dave Broden, Chair, NDIA Armament Division; Broden Resource Solutions, LLC
- Mr. Robert Fondren, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dalgren
- Ms. Kim Jones, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Mr. Ed Hackett, iRobot/EH Group, Inc.
- Mr. Ricky Houghton, IBIS TEK
- Mr. Adrian Erkenbrack, Foster Miller/Defense Technology Solutions, LLC
- Mr. Charlie McCullough, BAE Systems
Breakout 1
Armament Subsystems (10:50 - 3:15)
Chair: Mr. Greg Hill, Meggitt Defense Systems
- AGS Rifling Twist Trade Study and Analysis, Mr. Eric Laxton, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren
- 6484 - Guide MLRS Electronic Safety & Arming Devices, and Electronic Safety & Arming Fuze, Mr. William Kurtz, KDI Precision Products
- 6364 - Transmission of Data Message through Contact Type Fuse Setter, Mr. Ki-Up Cha, Agency for Defense Development, South Korea
- 6460 - 120MM Advanced Case Systems, Mr. Antonio Spinella, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 6483 - Common Safety & Arming For the ERGM and Excalibur Precision Guided Munition Systems, Mr. William Kurtz, KDI Precision Products
- Barrel Vibration for Rapid-Fire Guns, Dr. Thomas Dawson, U.S. Naval Academy
- 6415 - The Deployment Dynamics: Analysis of the 81MM Illumination Mortar Cartridge, Mr. Seungeuk Han, U.S. Army RDECOM-ARDEC
- MK44 IPT Update, Maj John Medeiros, Jr., USMC, DRPM, Advanced Amphibious Assault
Breakout 1 (2:55 - 5:05)
Precision Weapons
Chair: Mr. Joe Buzzett, General Dynamics-OTS
- 6355 - Precision Strike to Enable the Battle Continuity in Space and Time, Mr. Motti Eis, Israel Aerospace Industries
- 6530 - Impact of Precision Mortar Fires for the IBCT, Mr. Rollie Dohrn, ATK
- 6524 - PGK and the Impact of Affordable Precision on the Fires Mission, Mr. Douglas Storsved, ATK
- 6390 - Quo Vadis After DPICM, Mr. Harald Wich, Diehl BGT Defence
- 6522 - MRM Dual Mode Seeker Gun Firing Test Results, Mr. Rick Williams, Raytheon Company
Breakout 2 (10:50 - 2:15)
Platforms and Weapon System Integration
Chair: Mr. Bob Glantz, ATK Gun Systems & Mr. Scott Martin, Raytheon Company
- 6358 - 120MM XM360 Gun Technology Base Transition into (FCS) System Design & Development Program, Mr. David Smith, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 6404 - V-22 Defensive Weapon Systems, Mr. William McCartney, NAVAIR
- 6317 - Capability Advancements in Gun Systems for Remote Weapon Systems, Mr. James Lamb, ATK
- 6342 - F-35 Lightning II STOVL/CV Gun System Update, Mr. Douglas Parker, GeneralDynamics-ATP
- 6359 - F-35 Lightning II CTOL Gun System Update, Mr. David Maher, General Dynamics-ATP
- Electronic Test Fuze, Mr. Wayne Worrell, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren
Breakout 2 (2:15 - 4:25)
Chair: Mr. Mike Thornton, NSWC Indian Head & Mr. Brian Tasson, ATK
- 6344 - Insensitive Gun Propellants with Low Temperature Coeffi cient Based on DNDA, Dr. Dietmar Mueller, Fraunhofer Institute Chemische Technologie
- 6371 - Enhanced Ammunition Performance with ECL Technology, Mrs. Kelly Moran, ATK AES
- 6527 - Reduced Vulnerability and Enhanced Lethality of Direct Fire Large Caliber HE Ammunition for Mobile Gun Systems, Mr. Roger Gelinas, General Dynamics-OTS/Canada
- 6510 - Accelerated Aging of the M864 Baseburner Assembly, Dr. Eric Bixon, U.S. Army RDECOM ARDEC
Breakout 2 (4:25 - 5:05)
Tactical Rockets/Missiles
Chair: Mr. Ed DePasqual, Nammo Talley Defense Systems
- Sub-caliber Rocket Training Systems, Mr. Kevin Thomas, Nammo Talley Defense Systems
- 6339 - Improved Lethality Test Capabilities of the Arnold Engineeing Development Center, Mr. Brian Roebuck, Aerospace Testing Alliance
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Missile and Rockets Keynote:
- COL Dave Rice, USA, Project Manager, Precision Fires Rocket & Missile Systems
Tactical Rocket and Missiles
Chair: Mr. Ed DePasqual, Nammo Talley Defense Systems
- AARGM: Strengthening DEAD Capability in the Fleet, Mr. Austin Miller, ATK
- 6363 - Water Piercing Missile Launcher, Mr. John Busic, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren
Naval Platforms
Chair: Mr. Mike Till, U.S. Navy
- Advanced Gun System-DDG 1000, Mr. Joseph McPherson, NAVSEA (PEO-IWS3C)
- Long Range Land Attack Projectile, Mr. John Rinko, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren
- Advanced Gun Systems: Gun and Magazine, Mr. James Kidwell, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Louisville Det.
Emerging Technologies
Chair: Mr. Steve French, BAE Systems
- 6373 - Non-Destructive Internal Temperature Erosion and Heat Flux Measurements for Large Caliber Guns, Mr. Mark Mutton, Industrial Measurements Systems, Inc.
- 6349 - The Combustion Light Gas Gun: A novel yet proven high velocity technology, Mr. David Kruczynski, UTRON, Inc.
- Fuel Cells for Munitions, Mr. Edgar Seydel, Th e Ashlawn Group
- 6332 - Plasma-Enchanced Magnetron Technology for Durable Pollution-Free Coatings, Dr. Sabrina Lee, U.S. Army ARDEC, Benet Labs
- 6314 - Alternatives for Architecturing Low Cost Guide Projectiles, Mr. Chris Geswender, Raytheon Company
- TBD - Mr. Bryan Freeman, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dalgren