16th Annual Systems Engineering Conference

29 - 31 October 2013

Arlington, VA


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Administrative Remarks and Welcome

Chief Systems Engineers Panel: Engineering in the Face of Uncertainty
Moderator: Mr. Stephen P. Welby, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Engineering), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering)
  • Mr. Terence Edwards, Chief Systems Engineer, Office of the Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology
  • Mr. James Smerchansky, Deputy Commander, Systems Engineering Interoperability, Architecture & Technology, Marine Corps Systems Command
  • Dr. Thomas Christian, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology & Engineering
  • Mr. James Tuttle, Chief Systems Engineer, Under Secretary of Science and Technology, Department of Homeland Security
  • Dr. Michael Ryschkewitsch, Chief Engineer, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Mr. Albert (Benjie) Spencer, Director, Systems Engineering Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Keynote Speaker:

  • Mr. Alan Shaffer, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (Acting), U.S. Department of Defense

Industry Panel: How Can Systems Engineering Help Improve Program Development and Execution in Times of Tight Budgets
Moderator: Mr. Bob Rassa, Director, Engineering Programs, Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems

  • Mr. Jeff Wilcox, Vice President, Engineering, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • Mr. Paul Bailey, Chief Systems Engineer, Raytheon Company
  • Dr. Mike Papay, Vice President, Information Security and Cyber Initiatives, Northrop Grumman
  • Mr. Craig Miller, Vice President, Systems Engineering, Harris Corporation


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Track 1: Net-Centric OPS/Interoperability

  • 16170 - Joint Mission Environment Test Capability, Mr. Marty Arnwine, OSD Test Resource Management Center
  • 16327 - GEOINT Functional Managers Seal of Approval, Mr. Michael Reidy, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
  • 16012 - Application of a Multialgorithm Decision Scheme for Improving the Robustness of Network Intrusion Detection, Mr. John Fossaceca, The George Washington University
  • 16253 - Systems Engineering Designs on the Cloud, Mr. Daniel Hettema, SPEC Innovations
  • 16263 - Security on the Cloud, Dr. Steven Dam, SPEC Innovations
  • 16254 - Clustered Monte Carlo Simulation on Cloud Systems, Mr. Robert Sperlazza, SPEC Innovations

Track 1: Logistics

  • 16043 - Using Crowdsourcing to Set Resource Levels for Deployed Repairables and Maintainers, Ms. Susan Laird, The George Washington University
  • 15977 - System Dynamics of Sustainment, Mr. Robert Ferguson, Software Engineering Institute
  • 16026 - Cannibalization in the Military: A Viable Sustainment Strategy?, Mr. Peter Bogdanowicz, Dynamics Research Corporation

Track 2: Systems Engineering Effectiveness

  • 16045 - An Integrating Framework for Supporting Systems Engineering LTC Britt E. Bray, USA (Ret), Dynamics Research Corporation
  • 16050 - Quantitative Prediction and Improvement of Program Execution - A New Paradigm, Dr. Shawn Rahmani, The Boeing Company
  • 15969 - Effects of System Prototype Demonstrations on DoD Weapon Systems Development Mr. Edward Copeland, George Washington University
  • 16061 - Rethinking DoD Acquisition, Mr. Jeff Windham, U.S. Army ARDEC
  • 16068 - Been There, Done That, Got the Banner: Is Best Practice Complacency Taking Over?, Mr. Michael Knox, TECHSOFT, Inc.
  • 16089 - Systems Engineering through a Systems Lens, Dr. Michael Pennotti, Stevens Institute of Technology
  • 16214 - Defense Acquisition Guidebook Systems Engineering Chapter Update, Mrs. Aileen Sedmak, OSD(AT&L)
  • 16280 - Why Systems Don't Measure Up, Dr. Eric Honour, Honourcode, Inc.
  • 16273 - DoD Software Assurance, Ms. Kristen Baldwin, ODASD(SE
  • 16296 - Panel - Value of Systems Engineering, Mr. Joe Elm, Software Engineering Institute
    • 131023 - Quantifying the Effectiveness of System Engineering, Mr. Joseph P. Elm, Software Engineering Institute
    • 13030 - The Value of Systems Engineering, Dr. Eric Honour, Honourcode

Track 3: Developmental Test & Evaluation

  • 16299 - Developmental Test and Evaluation Committee Results and Activities, Dr. Beth Wilson, Raytheon Company
  • 16176 - A Report on Leading Indicators for Requirements Verification & Validation, Mr. Cory Lloyd, Raytheon Company
  • 15932 - Reliability Growth Models Using System Readiness Levels, Mr. Mark London, George Washington University
  • 16075 - NDIA SE Statistical Test Optimization Synthesis Panel: Key Takeaways & Recommendations, Dr. Neal Mackertich, Raytheon Company
  • 16128 - An Industry Proof of Concept Demonstration of Modified Condition/Decision Coverage from Automated Combinatorial Testing, Mr. Redge Bartholomew, Rockwell Collins

Track 3: DT&E/SOS

  • 16126 - Always on Demand, Dr. Nancy Bucher, ASA(ALT) System of Systems Engineering & Integration
  • 16140 - Test and Evaluation of Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems, Mr. Joseph Giampapa, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
  • 16071 - Using Statistical Test Power as a Foolproof Measure of Test Rigor is a No Brainer, Right?, Mr. Kedar Phadke, Phadke Associates
  • 16248 - Achieving Dramatic Increases in Effectiveness and Efficiency in the T&E Execution Phase by Leveraging Dynamic and Flexible M&S Tools for Rigorous Test-Event Designs, Mr. Joe Murphy, Analytical Graphics, Inc.
  • 15936 - Application of Live-Virtual-Constructive Environments for System of-Systems Analysis, Dr. Katherine Morse, JHU/APL

Track 4: Early Systems Engineering

  • 16062 - NDIA Development Planning Working Group Update: "Improving the Integration of Government and Industry S&T/IR&D to Support Development Planning", Mr. John Lohse, Raytheon Company<
  • 16215 - Development Planning Working Group Update, Mrs. Aileen Sedmak, OSD(AT&L)
  • 16131 - The Integration of S&T/IR&D and the Defense Innovation Marketplace, Mr. Jaymie Durnan, OASD (R&E)
  • 15984 - Breakthroughs in Applying Systems Engineering to Technology Development, Mr. Jeff Craver, Defense Acquisition University
  • 16160 - Walking the OCI Line, Mr. Cory Lloyd, Raytheon Company
  • 16130 - Proposed Framework to Describe the Application of Tools in Early Program Planning, Mr. Richard Schantz, ASA (ALT)

Track 4: Agile & Systems Engineering

  • 16241 - Adapting Agile to the Defense Acquisition Framework, Ms. Mary Ann Lapham, Software Engineering Institute
  • 16032 - Agile SE - They Say That "To Dissect is to Kill" but Let's Risk Some Collateral Damage - A Systems Engineering Perspective on Agile - What Does it Look Like?, Mr. Jim Brake, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • 16029 - Enabling Agility on Complex System Developments, Mr. Michael Coughenour, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • 16238 Panel - Experiences with Agile for Systems Engineering in the Defense Industry, Ms. Mary Ann Lapham, Software Engineering Institute
  • Cannibalization in the Military: A Viable Sustainment Strategy?, Mr. Peter Bogdanowicz, Dynamics Research Corporation

Track 5: Affordability

  • 16211 - A Model for Estimating SE Schedule Acceleration, Dr. Barry Boehm, USC
  • 16017 - Affordable, Achievable Squad Overmatch - Integrating Model Based Systems Engineering with Decision Analysis, Mr. Richard Swanson, Dynamics Research Corporation
  • 15976 - Sustainment Capability and Capacity, Dr. Sarah Sheard, Software Engineering Institute

Track 5: System Security Engineering

  • 16230 - NDIA System Security Engineering Committee Welcome and Update, Ms. Holly Coulter Dunlap, Raytheon Company
  • 16223 - System Security Engineering and Comprehensive Program Protection, Ms. Melinda Reed, ODASD(SE)
  • 16153 - A Practical Educational Approach to Program Protection Planning, Dr. Don Gelosh, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Track 5: SSE/SOS

  • 16076 - Optimal Design of Computer Simulation Experiments for Architecting Systems of Systems Using a Main-Effects-Plus-Two-Factor-Interactions Model, Dr. Edouard Kujawski, EJK Associates
  • 16077 - Security Engineering in a System of Systems Environment, Mr. George Rebovich Jr., The MITRE Corporation
  • 16001 - The Strategic Cybersecurity Threat Analysis Framework: Know Your Enemy, to Defeat Your Enemy, Ms. Michele Myauo, Microsoft
  • 16111 - A Supply Chain Attack Framework to Support Department of Defense Supply Chain Security Risk Management, Dr. John Miller, The MITRE Corporation

Track 6: Architecture

  • 16066 - Managing Requirements in the Context of Architecture, Mr. Raymond Jorgensen, Rockwell Collins
  • 16064 - Architectural Abstractions: Exploring Perspectives of Software Intensive System Design, Mr. Raymond Jorgensen, Rockwell Collins
  • 16237 - Scalable Data and Software Architectures - Getting Past the Hype, Mr. John Klein, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
  • 16096 - Application of a Ground System Architecture Framework Using SysML, Mr. William Pritchett, DCS Corporation
  • 16212 - Architecture-Based Analysis of System Utility Synergies and Conflicts, Dr. Barry Boehm, USC
  • 16221 - Improving Affordability Using an Innovative Model-Driven Engineering Approach, Ms. Tamara Valinoto, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
  • 16252 - The Human Viewpoint: Facilitating Human System Integration with Architecture Frameworks, Dr. Holly Handley, Old Dominion University
  • 16196 - The Development Planning Role of Architecture in Defining the Solution Trade Space, Mr. Michael Stokes, Raytheon Company
  • 16278 - "All for the Want of a Horseshoe Nail": An Examination of Causality in DoDAF, Mr. Matthew Hause, Atego
  • 16023 - Local Hawk MBSE Testbed Project: A Fruitful Collaboration between Industrial and Academic Worlds, Mr. Thierry Ambroisine, Dassault Systemes Americas Corporation
  • 16175 - Innovative Strategy for System Sustainability, Mr. Brian London, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory

Track 7: HSI

  • 16133 - USAF Human Systems Integration Update, Mr. Dale Burns, Enterprise Resource Planning, International<
  • 16123 - AF Application of Human Systems Integration: Assessing and Prioritizing within Acquisition Programs, Ms. Sarah Orr, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • 16283 - Adapting HSI Processes and Priorities for Agile Development, Ms. Ariana Kiken, Pacific Science and Engineering Group
  • 16008 - Reducing Human/Pilot Error in Aviation Using Augmented Cognition Systems and Automation Systems in Aircraft Cockpit, Mr. Ehsan Naranji, The George Washington University
  • 16007 - Improving Human Performance in Air Traffic Control Using Augmented Cognition Together with Automation Systems, Mr. Mohammad Kashef, The George Washington University

Track 7: ESOH

  • 16266 - Latest Advances in DoD Acquisition ESOH Policy, Guidance, and Initiatives, Mr. David Asiello, DUSD(I&E)
  • 16197 - Virtual Integration for Model Based Safety Assessment of Complex Systems, Dr. David Redman, AVSI
  • 16272 - HSI and ESOH Handbook for Pre-Milestone A JCIDS and Systems Engineering Activities, Ms. Lucy Rodriguez, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • 16177 - OEF MRAP Rollover Risk Reduction Team Lessons Learned, Dr. Thomas English, Naval Surface Warfare Center
  • 16267 - MIL-STD-882E: Implementation Challenges, Mr. Jefferson Walker, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • 16270 - MIL-STD-882E: Contracting - Task 108 and NAS 411, Mr. William Thacker, Booz Allen Hamilton

Track 8: Modeling & Simulation - "M&S and Systems Engineering Planning"

  • 16217 - Writing a Systems Engineering Plan, or a Systems Engineering Management Plan? Think About Models and Simulations, Ms. Philomena Zimmerman, ODASD(SE)
  • 16184 - Final Report on the Identification of Modeling and Simulation Capabilities by Acquisition Life Cycle Phases, Mr. Jeff Bergenthal, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
  • 16015 - Discovery of Modeling and Simulation Assets to Support Systems Engineering, Mr. Hart Rutherford, SimVentions, Inc.

Track 8: M&S/SOS - "Applying M&S to Complex Systems"

  • 16069 - Results from Applying a Modeling and Analysis Framework to an FAA NextGen System of Systems Program, Dr. Mark Blackburn, Stevens Institute of Technology
  • 16028 - Harmonizing Modeling and Simulation and MBSE to Cope with Rampant Complexity, Mr. Jim Brake, Lockheed Martin Corporation

Track 8: M&S - "Dynamic and Agile Approaches to M&S"

  • 16082 - Dynamic Multilevel Modeling Framework - A Cornucopia of Modeling and Simulation Capabilities, Dr. Gary Allen, U.S. Army PEO STRI
  • 16072 - Executable Scenario Definition Using Datalog to Describe Simulation Capabilities, Dr. Joseph McDonnell, Dynamic Animation Systems

Track 8: M&S - "Application of M&S To Acquisitions"

  • 16240 - FACT Enters the DoD Acquisition Process: Amphibious Combat Vehicle Feasibility Study, Mr. Daniel C. Browne, Georgia Tech Research Institute
  • 16249 - Enhancements to FACT for Representing the Marine Air-Ground Task Force for Energy Management Trade Space Exploration, Dr. Santiago Balestrini Robinson, Georgia Tech Research Institute
  • 15986 - Propagating Uncertainties in Simulation Assessments of Rockets, Artillery and Mortars Intercept Alternatives, Mr. Frederick A. Ahrens, Raytheon Company


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Program Planning Notes

Track 1: EHM

  • 16093 - The Use of Predictive Intelligence to Optimize System Availability, Mr. Chuck Buckley, Dassault Systems
  • 16205 - Business Case Assessment with a Modeled Enterprise (BeCAME),  Mr. Elliott Reitz, Advanced Automation Corporation (paper)
  • 16250 - LML - A Technique for Enhancing Reliability, Availability and Maintainability throughout the Lifecycle, Dr. Steven Dam, SPEC Innovations
  • 16233 - DASD(SE) Reliability and Maintainability Engineering Initiatives, Mr. Andrew Monje, ODASD(SE)
  • 16099 - Non-Operational Stockpile Reliability Prediction Methods Using Logisitc Regression Techniques, Mr. Louis Gullo, Raytheon Missile Systems
  • 16314 - DoD Needs Systems that are Effective when Needed, not Just Effective when Available, Mr. Michael Berry, ASA(ALT) System of System Engineering & Integration

Track 2: Systems Engineering Effectiveness

  • 16222 - Achieving "True" Risk Reduction through Effective Risk Management, Mr. Peter Nolte, DASD(SE)
  • 16111 - A Supply Chain Attack Framework to Support Department of Defense Supply Chain Security Risk Management, Dr. John Miller, The MITRE Corporation
  • 16013 - Writing Good Technical Requirements Using Kipling Method in Aviation Industry, Mr. Engin Oncul, Turkish Aerospace Industries
  • 16010 - The Problem with Problem Management: Validating the Systems Engineering Problem Management Process, Mr. Dennis A. Perry, III, Newport News Shipbuilding
  • 16226 - Panel: Systems Engineering Standards Initiatives

Track 3: Education

  • 16014 - INCOSE Certification Provides Common Framework for Systems Engineering Communication and Personnel Development, Ms. Courtney Wright, INCOSE
  • 16074 - Mapping Systems Engineering Tools with Effective Leadership Behaviors, Dr. Shamsnaz Virani, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • 16129 - ARMY Systems Engineering Workforce Development is Evolving to Adapt to the Changing Environment, Mr. Jerold Linn, ASA(ALT) System of Systems Engineering & Integration
  • 16234 - The Helix Project: A DoD-NDIA Sponsored Research Study to Investigate the "DNA" of the Defense Systems Engineering Workforce, Dr. Art Pyster, SERC, Stevens Insitute of Technology
  • 16139 - Role-Based Competency Framework for Systems Engineering, Dr. Don Gelosh, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • 16235 - Industry Panel: Best Practices for Systems Engineering Workforce Development

Track 4: Agile & Systems Engineering

  • 16009 - Toward a More Agile Systems Engineering Technical Review Process, Mr. Jason Morris, The George Washington University
  • 16027 - Clearing the Agile Mist -Driving to Clear Communication as Agile Goes Program Wide, Mr. Michael Coughenour, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • 16257 - Agile Systems Engineering Approach to Software Project Development, Mr. Chris Ritter, SPEC Innovations

Track 4: Benchmark

  • 16193 - Systems Engineering Benchmarking Workshop, Mr. Geoff Draper, Harris Government Communications Systems

Track 5: SSE

Track 6: SOS/Architecture

  • 16018 - Identifying Architectural Challenges in System of Systems Architectures, Mr. Michael Gagliardi, Software Engineering Institute
  • 16282 - DANSE - An Effective, Tool-Supported Methodology for Systems of Systems Engineering in Europe, Dr. Eric Honour, Honourcode, Inc.
  • 16025 - Common Software Platforms in System-of-Systems Architectures: The State of the Practice, Mr. John Klein, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute

Track 6: DT&E/SOS

  • 16085 - A Decision Framework for Systems of Systems Based on Operational Effectiveness, Mrs. Bonnie W. Young, Naval Postgraduate School
  • 16137 - System of System and Product Line Best Practices from the Modeling and Simulation Industry, Mr. David Prochnow, The MITRE Corporation
  • 16040 - Systems Geometry: A Dimensional Approach to T&E Systems of Systems Understanding, Ms. Christina Bouwens, SAIC

Track 6: SOS

  • 16038 - A Framework for Establishing System of Systems Governance, Dr. Warren Vaneman, Naval Postgraduate School
  • 16220 - Family of Systems System Engineering Wave Model, Dr. Eileen McConkie, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division

Track 7: HSI

  • 16101 - Differences in Cognitive Skills Required for Systems Engineering Versus Software Engineering, Mr. Thomas McDermott, Georgia Tech Research Institute
  • 16124 - Systems Engineering Use of Monitoring Tools and Metric Data in Driving Sustainment Work for the Department of Defense's Electronic Health Record, Mr. Thomas Britten, Deloitte Consulting

Track 7: ESOH

  • 16321 - Integrating System Safety into Forward Deployed Theater Operations, Mr. Michael Demmick, NOSSA
  • 16239 - Streamlining Systems Engineering ESOH Management & Documentation, Mr. William Thacker, Jr., Booz Allen Hamilton
  • 16261 - U.S. Air Force Perspective: On Rapid or Urgent Acquisition ESOH Management - MRAP Lessons Learned, Mr. Sherman Forbes, SAF/AQXA

Track 8: M&S - "Model Based Systems Engineering"

  • 16262 - Applying Systems Thinking to MBSE, Dr. Steven Dam, SPEC Innovations
  • 16279 - How to Fail at Model-Based Systems Engineering, Mr. Matthew Hause, Atego
  • 16016 - Using Model-Based Systems Engineering and Multi-Physics Simulations to Develop a Vertical Take-Off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Mr. Ed Ladzinski, Dassault Systems

Track 8: M&S - "Standards For M&S In Acquisition"

  • 16216 - Understanding and Delivering the System Model: A Keystone for Implementing Model- Based Systems Analysis, Ms. Philomena Zimmerman, ODASD(SE)
  • 16268 - A Case Study to Examine Technical Data Relationships to the System Model Concept, Dr. Tracee Gilbert, AAAS
  • 15992 - Enabling Planning for More Efficient & Effective Modeling & Simulation Support Across the Life Cycle - A Standards Profile for Use of Acquisition Modeling & Simulation, Col Crash Konwin, USAF (Ret), Booz Allen Hamilton

Track 8: M&S - "Application of M&S In System Development"

  • 16041 - Global Variance Reduction in Monte Carlo Simulation of Systems Engineering and Reliability Analysis, Mr. Jeffrey Hyde, Newport News Shipbuilding
  • 16030 - Modeling and Simulation - More Critical than Ever for Success in a Challenging Environment, Mr. Frank Russ, Lockheed Martin Corporation