Joint Armaments Forum, Exhibition & Technology Demonstration
"Balancing Armament Innovation & Readiness Improvements within Budget Constraints"
12 - 15 May 2014
Phoenix, AZ
Session I: Tutorials
Breakout A: Cryogenic Derived Vacuum Thermal Isolation for Firearm & Electronics Integration
- Mr. Howard Kent, Armor Development Group, LLC
Breakout C: ARDEC's Technology Development Process: "Knowing What to Do and When to Do it"
- Mr. Mark Serben, U.S. Army ARDEC
Session II: Tutorials
Breakout A: Human Effects Modeling
- Mr. James Simonds, The Human Effects Center of Excellence at Brooks Air Force Base
Breakout C: Small Caliber International Ballistics and Failure Analysis
- Mr. Jeff Conover, Defense Contract Management Agency
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Welcome Remarks:
- Mr. Dave Broden, President, Broden Resource Solutions, LLC; NDIA Armaments Division Chairman
Keynote Address:
- BG David Bassett, USA, Program Executive Officer, Ground Combat Systems
Keynote Address:
- BG John McGuiness, USA, Program Executive Officer, PEO Ammunition
Keynote Address:
- RDML Bryant Fuller, USN, Deputy Commander, Ship Design, Integration and Naval Engineering, Naval Sea Systems Command
Defense Consortia: A Proven Way To Rapidly Develop and Deploy New Armament Capability In Today's Environment
- Mr. Gary Schneider, Chair, National Armament Consortium Executive Committee
ARDEC Technology Vision
- Ms. Barbara Machak, Executive Director, ESIC, ARDEC
Keynote Address:
- COL Michael Coolican, USMC, Director, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, U.S. Marine Corps
- COL Paul Hill, USA, U.S. Army Project Manager, Maneuver Ammunition Systems
Metal Fever, Beyond Lead Poisoning
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Breakout Sessions - Morning
Small Arms Systems
PM Soldier Weapons Session - PM Soldier Weapons Panel
- COL Scott Armstrong, USA, PM Soldier Weapons
- LTC Shawn Lucas, USA, PM Soldier Weapons
- LTC Paul Alessio, USA, PM Soldier Weapons
JSSAP Session - Joint Service Small Arms Synchronization (JSSAST) Activities
- Mr. Joel Goldman, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Mr. John Edwards, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Dr. Barton Halpern, U.S. Army ARDEC
Small Arms Industry Panel - Small Arms Industry Panel
- Mr. George Kontis, Knight's Armament Company
Unconventional Emerging Armaments
Non-Lethal and Enabling Technologies
- Non-Lethal Directed Energy Gaps and Investments - Mr. David Law, JNLWD
- Human Effects Modeling, JNLWD - Mr. James Simonds, The Human Effects Center of Excellence at Brooks Air Force Base
- 15538 - NATO Nonlethal Capabilities - Mr. John Edwards, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 15538 - NATO Nonlethal Capabilities - Dr. Barton Halpern, U.S. Army ARDEC
Guns, Ammunition, Rockets & Missiles
- PM-CAS Activities - COL Willie Coleman, USA, Combat Ammunition Systems
- PM-CCS Activities - COL Richard Hornstein, USA, Close Combat Systems
- Medium Caliber and Tank Ammunition Overview - COL Paul Hill, USA, U.S. Army Project Manager, Maneuver Ammunition Systems
- Super Guns: Most Formidable Guns in the Modern World - Mr. David Smith, U.S. Army ARDEC
Breakout Sessions - Afternoon
Small Arms Systems
Small Arms Weapons
- 15470 - Cryogenic Derived Vacuum Thermal Isolation for Firearm & Electronics Integration, Mr. Howard Kent, Armor Development Group, LLC
- 16531 - The LWMMG .338 - From Invention to Maturation, Mr. Matthew Diehl, General Dynamics, OTS
- 15474 - Accelerometer-Based Reliability & Condition-Based Maintenance System For Firearms, Mr. Howard Kent, Armor Development Group, LLC
Modeling and Simulation
- 16543 - Assessing Bullet Terminal Effects, Mr. Alex Davies, QinetiQ
Small Arms Ammunition
- 16533 - 7.62mm Cased Telescoped Ammunition, Mr. Paul Shipley, AAI Corporation
- 16547 - Improved 12.7 mm (.50 Cal) Multi-Purpose (Mk211) Anti-materiel Concept, Ms. Andreas Gaarder, Nammo Raufoss AS
- 16542 - Small Arms Ammunition Tactical Effectiveness, Mr. Fredrik Erninge, Nammo Raufoss AS
- 16576 - Developments in .50cal Short Range Training Ammunition, Mr. Luis de Sousa, General Dynamics OTS, Canada
- 16577 - Development of IR Tracer, Mr. Pierre LeMay, General Dynamics OTS, Canada
- JNLWD Small Arms NL Capability Gaps and Programs - Mr. Peter Charles, JNLWD
- 16559 - Conceptual Scalable Non-Lethal Ballistic System Built with Existing and Developmental Hardware - Mr. Jeff Widder, Battelle
Guns, Ammunition, Rockets & Missiles
Modeling and Simulation
- 16540 - ARDEC Computational Based Engineering Capabilities and their Validation Tools, Dr. Don Carlucci, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 16549 - Multifaceted Gun Fluid Flow Modeling and Experimentation ARDEC, Mr. Anthony Cannone, U.S. Army ARDEC - Benet Laboratories
- 15306 - Beyond TSPI: Using Data Fusion to Combine Multiple Sources of Live Fire Test Data to Determine Aerodynamics and Characterize In-flight Control Events, Mr. Alan Hathaway, Arrow Tech Associates
- 15482 - Understanding Risk in Acceptance Testing, Mr. Sam Mason, ATK
Armament Systems
- 16495 - Expanding the Armed Forces Capability through Turreted Mortar Systems, Mr. Jukka Tiainen, Patria Land Systems
- 16561 - Defeating Magnetic Interference on the Battlefield, How Multiple Sensory Inputs are Enabling Lightweight Robust Weapon Pointing for Mortar Fire Control Systems, Mr. Ralph Tillinghast, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Technology Trends That Are Reshaping How We Conduct R&D - Mr. Ralph Tillinghast, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 16565 - Launching Artillery and Mortars into the 21st Century with Digital Fire Control, Mr. Ross Arnold, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 16570 - Applying Systems Thinking Principles to Indirect Fire Control Software Development, Mr. Ross Arnold, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 15480 - How DoD Munitions Programs Might Be Affected By Rising Raw Material Costs, Mr. Rosario Lo Cascio, U.S. Army ARDEC
Indirect Fire Guns
- 16544 - Mortar Light-Weighting Technologies, Mr. David Smith, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 16557 - Advanced Capability Extended Range Mortar (ACERM), Mr. Luke Steelman, NSWC Dahlgren
- 16503 - Ground Breaking Ammunition with Innovative Designs to Meet All Combat Requirements, Mr. Stephan Kerk, Rheinmetall
- 16524 - 25 MM Non-Energetic Fragmenting (NEF) Cartridge,Mr. Paul Reynolds, General Dynamics
- 15439 - 25x137mm APEX Ammunition for F-35,Mr. Vegard Sande, Nammo Raufoss AS
Direct Fire Guns
- 16537 - Advanced Lethality and Accuracy System for Medium Caliber (ALAS-MC), Mr. Michael LeFante, U.S. Army
- 15432 - MK38 Mod 2 Coaxial Machine Gun Presentation, Mr. Jim McConkie, NSWC Dahlgren
- Electromagnetic Railgun - LCDR Jason Fox, USN, Assistant PM, Railgun Ship Integration
Warheads and Energetics
- 16564 - ARDEC Fuze Technology Overview, Mr. Evan Young, U.S. Army ARDEC
- 16567 - Expanding Warfighter Munitions Capability Through Energetics Technology Investment, Mr. James Wejsa, U.S. Army RDECOM-ARDEC
- 15492 - Improved LW30 Ball Powder Propellant, Mr. Paul Reynolds, General Dynamics
Missiles and Rockets
- 16519 - Cost Effective Large Diameter Rockets Using Extruded Propellant Rocket Motors, Mr. Joseph Bellotte, BAE Systems
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Small Arm Systems Breakout Sessions
Weapon Auxillary Equipment
- 16566 - Energy Harvesting for Illuminating Sights, Mr. Douglas Cox, Mixed Signal Integration
- 15471 - Suppressor Incorporating Natural Sound Production Auditory Camouflage on Firing, Mr. Howard Kent, Armor Development Groups, LLC
- 16516 - Next Generation Fire Control System, Mr. Jonathan Piazza, General Dynamics
40MM Grenade Munitions
- 16510 - 40 mm Door Breaching Munition Concept Study, Mr. Christopher Perhala, Battelle