14th Annual Systems Engineering Conference

24 - 27 October 2011

San Diego, CA


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Plenary Session 1
Chief Systems Engineers Panel - Harnessing the Power of Innovative Technology to Deliver Capability

Plenary Session 2
Program Manager's Panel Practical Systems Engineering: Perspective from the Program Office Frontline

Concurrent Sessions

Track 1: Systems Engineering Effectiveness
Moderator: Mr. Garry Roedler, Lockheed Martin Corporate Engineering

  • 13075 Systems Engineering Program Metrics

Track 2: Net-Centric Operations/Interoperability

  • 13102 Beyond Technical Interoperability, Mr. Jack Zavin, ASD(NII)/ DoD CIO
  • 12940 The Way Forward to Achieve Net Centric Interoperability, Mr. Anthony Devino, ASN RDA CHSENG
  • 13077 DoD Architecture & Standards Key to Mission Accomplishment, Mr. Al Mazyck, Department of Defense, CIO Office

Track 3: System of Systems

  • 13157 Adaptable System Integration On Multiple Platforms, Mr. Timothy Palmer, Georgia Tech Research Institute

Track 4: Early Systems Engineering

  • 13064 Development Planning Update: State of the Practice, Mrs. Aileen Sedmak, OSD(AT&L), ODASD(SE)
  • 13200 Army Development Planning, Mr. Philip Hudner, U.S. Army - ASA(ALT) SoSE

Track 6: Test & Evaluation Acquisition Policies

  • 13186 Development Test and Evaluation Committee: Collaboration and Alignment with Systems Engineering Division, Dr. Beth Wilson, Raytheon
  • 12887 An Industry Response to the Acquisition Policies, Mr. Steve Scukanec, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Sector
  • 13061 Homeland Security Commercial Test and Evaluation Approach, Mr. Matthew Graviss, DHS/CBP/OTIA/SE

Track 8: Cyber

  • 13104 Comprehensive Program Protection Planning, Mr. E. Kenneth HongFong, ODASD(Systems Engineering)
  • 13591 Understanding Cyber Defense, a Systems Architecture Approach, Mr. Thomas McDermott, Georgia Tech Research Institute

Track 9: Maturity Planning

  • 13131 Limitations of Readiness Levels, Dr. James Malas, Air Force Research Laboratory
  • 13136 Looking at the Full Picture: Evaluating Alternatives with the Execution Risk Assessment Framework, Mr. Robert Henry, The MITRE Corporation
  • 12964 Adopting a Technology Development and Maturity Assessment Methodology, Mr. Jeff Craver, Defense Acquisition University

Track 10: Logistics

  • 13057 Institutionalizing Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Engineering in the DoD: A Total Program Implementation Approach, Mr. Andrew Monje, DASD (SE)


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Track 1: Systems Engineering Effectiveness

  • 13302 System Development Performance Measurement, Mr. Garry Roedler, Lockheed Martin
  • 13096 Update on Systems Engineering Police and Guidance, Mr. Nicholas Torelli, OSD
  • 12971 A Check Six Principle Primer for Acquisition Executives, Mr. Charles Garland, Air Force Center for Systems Engineering
  • 13097 Streamlining Acquisition Documents: New Systems Engineering Plan Outline, Mr. Nicholas Torelli, OSD
  • 12991 WSARA Implementation - GAO's, Perspective on Military Service Challenges, Ms. Cheryl Andrew, U.S. Government Accountability Office
  • 13164 A Status Report-Progress and Challanges to Improving AF Acquisition by Using SE Standard Practice Standards, Mr. Chris Ptachik, SAF/AQR (Alion Science & Technology)
  • 13095 Writing Requirements Properly, Mr. Al Florence, The MITRE Corporation
  • 12958 Systems Engineering: The Key to Successful Outcomes, Mr. Mark Wilson, Strategy Bridge International, Inc.
  • 13165 Functional Decomposition, Uses and Misuses, Mr. David Minchala, U.S. Army

Track 2: Net-Centric

  • 13173 Architecture-enabled Systems Engineering: Applying DoDAF to Legacy Systems, Mr. Richard Sorensen, Kihomac
  • 13059 Joint Interoperability Test Certification - Evolving the Net Ready-Key Performance Parameter (NR-KPP) and Provisioning Infrastructure to Support Department of Defense (DoD) Agile Acquisition Reform, Mr. Alan Rieffer, Joint Interoperability Test Command
  • 12939 Net-Ready Key Performance Parameter Architecture Evaluation Tool, Ms. Elizabeth O'Keefe, Raytheon Missile Systems
  • 12955 From Analog to Digital - Global Earth Observation and International Collaboration to Manage Mega Disasters, Dr. Janice Ziarko, The MITRE Corporation
  • 12899 What's Out There and Where Do I Find it: Enterprise Metacard Builder Resources Portal, Dr. Gary Allen, U.S. Army
  • 13079 Data Fusing Maritime Sensors from National, Tactical, and Unmanned Aerial Systems, Mr. James Smith, Software Engineering Institute
  • 13011 The NextGen Interagency Experimentation Hub: Cross-Boundary Information Sharing Services for Distributed Aviation Experimentation, Mr. Douglas Flournoy, The MITRE Corporation
  • 13618 Describing Value-Add of Semantic Web Design Using a Practical Interoperability Scale, Mr. Robert Kruse, FacetApp LLC

Track 3: System of Systems

  • 13635 Mobile Distributed C4ISR Architecture (MDCA), Mr. William Shepard, USSOCOM
  • 13067 A Scientific Approach to Consistent Functional Analysis: The System Capabilities Analytic Process, Mr. Kevin Agan, Army Research Laboratory


  • 13521 2011 NDIA Affordability Working Group Report, Mr. Frank Serna, Draper Laboratory
  • 13119 Systems Engineering Return on Investment, Mr. Eric Honour, Honourcode, Inc.
  • 12945 Modeling Resource Allocation and Methods Engineering Toward Optimizing Productivity and ROI, Mr. Zachary Parker, TSI
  • 13191 The Hidden Impacts of Producibility on System Affordability and Design Manufacturing Interdependence, Dr. Al Sanders, Honeywell Aerospace

Track 4: Early Systems Engineering

  • 13278 MORS Risk, Trade Space and Analytics in Acquisition Workshop: MORS Developmental Planning and Early System Engineering Efforts Working Group Results, Mr. Kirk Michealson, Lockheed Martin
  • 13031 Modeling and Simulation in Development Planning, Mr. Jeff Loren, SAF/AQRE (Alion Science & Technology)
  • 13014 Early Development Planning Leads to Affordable Systems, Mr. Charles Kondrack, Advatech Pacific Inc.
  • 13110 Systems Engineering Principles in Air Force IR&D Process, Mr. Jorge Erazo, Air Force Research Laboratory
  • 13138 Systems Engineering Approach to Technology Integration, Mr. James McGillicuddy, IMSolutions, LLC
  • 13021 Risk in Science and Technology (S&T), Mr. Thomas Archer, SynGenics Corporation
  • 13125 Reconsidering Requirements Development: A Case for Time-Phased Requirements, Dr. Frank Swehosky, Lockheed Martin
  • 13112 System Analysis to Support Acquisition Planning and the Tailoring of Systems Engineering Efforts, Mr. Dennis Baker, Customs and Border Protection
  • 13190 Berlin Airlift - A Systems Engineering Case Study, Dr. Carlee Bishop, Georgia Tech Research Institute

Track 5: Modeling & Simulation in Acquistion

  • 13048 Modeling & Simulation for Affordable System Acquisition, Mr. Charles Kondrack, Advatech Pacific Inc.
  • 13024 Can Anyone Really Model DoD Space Acquisitions?, Maj Chad Searle, USAF, AFIT/ENV


  • 12953 Final Report of the Model Based Engineering Subcommittee, Mr. Jeff Bergenthal, Lockheed Martin Global Training and Logistics
  • 12881 Models as a Foundation for Systems Engineering - Should We Expect a Breakthrough?, Mr. Brett Malone, Vitech Corporation
  • 13129 Bridging the Information Gap Between Diverse Modeling and Simulation Tools, Dr. Nadine Miner, Sandia National Laboratories
  • 13141 Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Business Case Considerations - An Enabler of Risk Reduction, Mr. Peter Lierni, High Performance Technologies Inc

Track 6: Integrated Test Strategies

  • 12944 Section 804 Accelerated Test Evaluation and Certification: What is it and How Will It Impact IT Acquisitions?, Mr. Peter Christensen, The MITRE Corporation
  • 12943 Measuring the Value of Test and Evaluation Using Uncertainty Reduction, Ms. Eileen Bjorkman, Air Force Flight Test Center

Joint Test/SOS/Net

  • 13187 Update on Test and Evaluation Issues for Systems of Systems, Dr. Beth Wilson, Raytheon
  • 13062 Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC): Providing Agile Test and Evaluation in Support of Converged Networked Services, Mr. Richard Delgado, Joint Interoperability Test Command

Effective Test & Evaluation

  • 13058 Coalition Interoperability Assurance & Validation (CIAV) and Coalition Test & Evaluation Environment (CTE2)-A Model for Coalition Interoperability in a Distributed Construct, Mr. Todd Rissinger, Joint Interoperability Test Command
  • 13035 The Effective Use & Benefits of Systems Integration in DOD and ATC Test and Evaluation, Mr. Robert Koczat, The Spectrum Group

Track 7: ESOH

  • 13184 Sustainable Painting Operations for the Total Army: Success!, Mr. Patrick Taylor, Hughes Associates, Inc.
  • 13232 Nitrotriazolone and IMX: Environmental Issues Surrounding the Development and Deployment of the Next Generation of Insensitive American Munitions, Mr. Robert Winstead, BAE Systems
  • 13266 Hexavalent Chromium Substitution Projects Conducted by Aeronautical Systems Center Environmental and Health Risk Management Branch (ASC/WNV), Wright-Patterson AFB, Mr. Gene McKinley, U.S. Air Force
  • 13120 Joint Service Safety Testing Requirements, Mr. Robert Mirick, Booz Allen Hamilton

Track 8: Cyber

  • 13144 Cyber Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (CFMECA), Mr. Jess Granone, Granone, Consulting LLC
  • 13086 Cyber Security Controls Assessment: A Critical Discipline of Systems Engineering, Mr. Bharat Shah, Lockheed Martin IS&GS-Civil

Software Intensive Systems

  • 13196 Towards Integrated Systems and Software Engineering Standards, Mr. Garry Roedler, Lockheed Martin
  • 13160 A Fresh Look at the Software Technical Review Process, Dr. William Bail, The MITRE Corporation
  • 12951 The Waterfall Model - What It Is Not and Has Never Been…, Dr. Peter Hantos, The Aerospace Corporation
  • 13161 Scalable Network Effects Protection Tailored to Unique Naval Engagements (NEPTUNE™) - A Systems Engineering Approach to Integrated Waterside Security, LTC Jason Reherman, U.S. Army ARDEC Port Control .wmv file
  • 13109 Recovering from a Chaotic Agile Development Effort, Mr. William Wood, CMU/SEI
  • 13153 Institutionalizing Model-Based Systems and Software Engineering Methods for DoD Systems Development: An Initiative at the U.S Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Mr. Kerry Wagner, U.S. Army AMRDEC Software Engineering Directorate

Track 9: Tech Maturity - Readiness Levels

  • 13132 Readiness Level Proliferation, Mr. William Nolte, Air Force Research Laboratory
  • 12956 Manufacturing Readiness Levels: An Essential SE Tool to Identify and Manage Manufacturing Risk for Affordability, Dr. Thomas Christian, Air Force Center for System Engineering
  • 13041 Vector-Based Metrics for Assessing Technology Maturity, Dr. Gerard Sleefe, Sandia National Laboratories

Tech Maturity - Lessons Learned

  • 13053 Update to ISO TRL Standard, Mr. James Bilbro, JB Consulting International
  • 13198 Lessons Learned In Performing Technology Maturity Assessment for a Milestone B Review of an Acquisition Category Vehicle Program, Mr. Jerome Tzau, U.S. Army TARDEC

Tech Maturity - Metrics

  • 12973 Why Affordability is a Systems Engineering Metric, Mr. Quentin Redman, Price Systems, LLC
  • 13166 Systems Engineering and the Forgotten '-Illities, Mr. James Willis, SPEC Innovations

Track 10: Logistics

  • 13000 Risk Evaluation When Negotiating PBL Contracts, Mr. Robert Hell, Systecon AB
  • 13171 Advanced Mission Module Autonomy, Mr. Robert Gibson, Naval Surface Warfare Center
  • 13147 An Application in Technology Insertion for a Legacy System, Mr. Jimmy Simmons, Georgia Tech Research Institute
  • 13002 Engineering Practices and Patterns for Rapid Built-In Test (BIT) Evolution, Mr. James Brewer, Raytheon Missile Systems
  • 13039 Cost Effectively Maintaining Legacy Systems Using GEM (Generalized Emulation of Microcircuits), Mr. Allan Schlier, DLA Land and Maritime
  • 13115 An AGILE Approach to Tactical Data Link Testing - The JITC Automated Test Case Generator, Mr. Robin Murray, Joint Interoperability Test Command
  • 13167 A Test Support Tool, Mr. Louis Miller, Telcordia Technologies


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Concurrent Sessions

Track 1: Systems Engineering Effectiveness

  • 13588 Status of the NDIA / IEEE / INCOSE Systems Engineering Effectiveness Study,  Mr. Joseph Elm, Carnegie Mellon University<
  • 13178 Systems Engineering Best Practices for Quick Reaction Weapon Programs, Mr. Frank Robbins, NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter
  • 13007 Best Practices for Systems Integration Involving Quick Reaction Capabilities, Mr. Pete Houser, Northrop Grumman
  • 13044 IEDs on the Road to Acquisition and Sustainment of Weapon Systems, Mr. Mike Ucchino, AF Center for Systems Engineering
  • 12883 Systems Engineering Impact of the Rapid Acquisition of IT Systems in Support of Public Law 111, Dr. Kenneth Nidiff, OWA serverer, Software Engineering Institute
  • 13074 A Systematic Requirements Definition Methodology, Dr. Robert Monson, Lockhe, OWA servered Martin
  • 12994 Assessing the Quality of a System Inspections Process, Dr. Carolyn Seaman, Fraunhofer CESE
  • 13229 Implementation of an Enterprise Level Risk Management Process at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport, Mr. Carlos Galliano, Naval Undersea Warfare Center

Track 2: Joint Net/SOS

  • 13199 Engineering the Army Common Operating Environment, Ms. Monica Farah-Stapleton, Army ASA(ALT)SoSE
  • 13202 Restructuring the Army Systems Architecture Processes & Products and Realizing their Value, Mr. David Poole, ASA(ALT) SoSE
  • 13032 Enabling Success in IT Intensive Acquisitions: Bootstrapping Grass-Roots Success, Mr. George Rebovich, The MITRE Corporation
  • 13134 System Interoperability Influence on System of Systems Engineering Effort, Dr. Jo Ann Lane, University of Southern California


  • 12957 Effects of Systems Engineering on Command and Control Systems Utilizing Innovations in Social Networking, Mr. James ter Veen, Lockheed Martin
  • 13085 Cloud Issues for Systems Engineers - What Factors Affect Federal Organizations' Decision to Migrate a System to the Clouds, Mr. Allan Mink, SRA International
  • 13177 Net Centric Training for Legacy Aircraft, Mr. Frank Knight, Georgia Tech Research Institute

Track 3: Program Management

  • 12983 Acquisition Reform: Integrate Technical Performance with Earned Value Management (EVM), Mr. Paul Solomon, Performance-Based Earned Value
  • 13123 The MITRE Aerospace Critical Factors for Acquisition Success Checklist, Dr. Robert Swarz, The MITRE Corporation
  • 13235 Risks, Issues and Lessons Learned: Maximizing Risk Management in the DoD Ground Domain, Ms. Lisa Graf, U.S. Army
  • 13072 PEO GCS Baseline Program Timeline Analysis, Ms. Leslie Polsen, Program Executive Office, Ground Combat Systems
  • 12954 Enterprise Consolidation: Using Modeling and Simulation to Reduce Risk and Optimize Performance of Systems Integration, Ms. John Sahlin, George Washington University
  • 13094 Risk Management, Mr. Al Florence, The MITRE Corporation
  • 13023 Something You Should Know About Rights in Technical Data, Mr. Russ Miller, U.S. Army
  • 13082 Intellectual Property Considerations for Engineers, Mr. William Decker, Defense Acquisition University

Track 4: Early Systems Engineering

  • 12998 Systems Engineering in Early Development Planning for the Automated Aerial Refueling (AAR) Project, Ms. Carol Ventresca, SynGenics Corporation
  • 13188 Systems Engineering Applied to Decision Making, Mr. Randall Safier, SAIC
  • 13006 Effectiveness of Systems Engineering Tailored for the Science and Technology (S&T) Environment: Improvement of USAF Airdrop Accuracy, Ms. Carol Ventresca, SynGenics Corporation
  • 13189 A Modeling Approach for Developing System Performance Requirements, Mr. John Green, Naval Postgraduate School
  • 12977 Full Lifecycle Modeling: Capturing Evaluation and Performance Data in the Enterprise Architecture Knowledgebase, Mr. John Schatz, SPEC Innovations

Early Systems Engineering/SOS

  • 12968 Establishing an Operational Context for Early System-of-Systems Engineering Activities, CDR Bryan Herdlick, USN (Ret), Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  • 13071 AOWA server application of Mission Level Systems Engineering Concepts in the Support of Major Acquisition Programs, Ms. Helene Anderson, ASN(RDA) CHSENG
  • 13163 Analysis of the Results from Many Mission Thread Workshops, Mr. William Wood, CMU/SEI

Track 5: Modeling & Simulation

  • 12948 A Methodology for Designing Modeling and Simulation (M&S) that Integrates Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A) Processes and Documentation, Ms. Nancy Gould, Naval Air Systems Command
  • 12961 Practical SysML Applications: A Method to Capture the Problem Space, Mr. Raymond Jorgensen, Rockwell Collins
  • 13037 Discovery of Modeling and Simulation Assets to Support Systems Engineering, Mr. Hart Rutherford, SimVentions, Inc.
  • 13015 Evolving Lockheed Martin's Engineering Practices Through the Creation of a Model-centric Digital Tapestry, Mr. Christopher Oster, Lockheed Martin
  • 13148 Hybrid Modeling and Simulation Platform for Rapid Prototyping and Testing of Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, Dr. Dennis Mok, Telcordia Technologies

Applied Systems Engineering

  • 13016 Air Force Materiel Command Systems Engineering Status, Dr. Brian Kowal, USAF
  • 13201 Integrated Base Defense - Design and Analysis, Mr. Philip Hudner, U.S. Army ASA(ALT) SoSE

Track 6: Effective Test & Evaluation

  • 12986 Biometrics and Systems Engineering: Delivering Mission Capability to the Warfighter, Dr. Suzanne Strohl, Test Resource Management Center (OSD/AT&L)
  • 12967 Aligning System Development and Testing for Successful IOT&E, Mr. Vincent Roske, Institute for Defense Analyses
  • 12988 A Study on Design of Range Reduction Dummy Fuze for the Efficiency of Acceptance Test, Mr. Hae-Suk Lee, Agency for Defense Development
  • 12949 Optimal Test Article Instrumentation Selection, Mr. Richard Munsterteiger, Raytheon Missile Systems
  • 13054 Taking a Systems Engineering Approach to Identifying T&E Issues with the Integration of New Power and Energy Technologies into Warfighting Systems, Ms. Michelle Rosa, Scientific Research Corporation

Joint Test/Modeling & Simulation

  • 13004 Improving the Systems Engineering of Live-Virtual-Constructive (LVC) Simulations, Dr. James Coolahan, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Track 7: ESOH

  • 12942 DOTMLP (The Lost Art of Facility Systems Engineering), Mr. Craig Amundson, Cask, LLC

Track 8: Software Intensive Systems

  • 13030 Patterns and Pattern Languages for Systems of Systems,  Mr. William Wood, CMU/SEI
  • 12890 A Modest Proposal, Mr. Donald Beckett, Quantitative Software Management
  • Human Systems Integration
  • 13169 Early MANPRINT Involvement in Systems Engineering Reduces Risk in the Materiel Acquisition Life Cycle, Mr. Keith Gunn, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, HREDARDEC FE
  • 13036 Human Systems Integration in Acquisition: Honing in on the Systems Performance Specification, Ms. Sarah Orr, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • 13013 Applying Elements of User Centered Design in the Development of Systems Without User Interfaces, Dr. W. David Reese, Northrop Grumman
  • 13236 Panel The Human Contribution to Resilient Systems, Dr. Matthew Risser, Pacific Science & Engineering Group
  • 13575 Framework for HSI: General Systems Performance Theory & the Elemental Resource Model, Dr. George Kondraske, University of Texas

Track 9: Work Force Development

  • 13168 Educating the Workforce for Early Integration of ESOH/System Safety into JCIDS and SE, Ms. Karen Gill, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • 13045 SE Workforce Development and the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge, Dr. Alice Squires, Stevens Institute of Technology
  • 13066 Debunking the Myths of Knowledge Transfer, Ms. Patricia Scaramuzzo, Lockheed Martin
  • 13029 A Hands-on Approach to Systems Engineering Training and Development: The Early Career Advanced Systems Project, Dr. Tammara Massey, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  • 13103 The Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge, Ms. Nicole Hutchison, Stevens Institute of Technology
  • 13179 Developing Defense Systems Engineering Competency via Multi-Quarter Carry-Through Projects, Mr. Gregory Miller, Naval Postgraduate School
  • 13194 Graduate Reference Curriculum for Systems Engineering (GRCSE), Dr. David Olwell, Naval Postgraduate School

Track 10: Architecture

  • 13020 Object Driven Systems Engineering, Mr. Pradeep Mendonza, U.S. Army, TARDEC
  • 13176 Collaborative Development of Systems Architecting Design Rules, Mr. Tom McDermott, Georgia Tech Research Institute
  • 12996 Stakeholder Interrelations: A Fit-For-Purpose DoDAF View, Mr. John Wood, George Washington University
  • 12990 Architecture Decisions and Risk Management, Mrs. Tricia McNair, Ms. Lizabeth Markewicz, Raytheon
  • 13640 Model-Based Systems Engineering without SysML, Mr. John Palmer, The Boeing Company
  • 13126 Enterprise Architecture of Emergent Complex Adaptive Systems, Mr. Alan Brenner and Ms. Claudia Rose, BBII
  • 13098 Full Lifecycle Modeling: Using Enterprise Architecture Updates to Guide Decentralized Organizations, Mr. John Schatz, SPEC Innovations
  • 13130 Lifecycle Modeling - Application to Architecture Development, Dr. Steven Dam, SPEC Innovations