29th Environmental & Energy Symposium & Exhibition
7 - 10 April 2003
Richmond, VA
Tuesday, April 8, 2003
Session 1
- DoD Perspective on Environmental Management Systems: Enhancing Mission Performance, Mr. John Coho
- Obstacles to EMS Implementation on a Military Installation, Mr. David A. Carter
- A Sustainable Approach at Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) Albany, A Sustainable Approach at Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) Albany, GA Environmental Management Systems (EMS, Ms. Robyn Keimberg
- DoD/EPA Region 4 EMS Initiative, Mr. George Carellas
- Challenges And Benefits Of Implementing An EMS During Transformation, Mr. Philip Wood
Session 2
- Streamlined Treatment Option for Remediation of Commingled Perchlorate and Explosives in Groundwater Streamlined Treatment Option for Remediation of Commingled Perchlorate and Explosives in Groundwater, Mr. Scott C. Veenstra
- Remediation of Mixed Biological and Chemical Waste at Fort Detrick, LTC Donald Archibald
- Cost-Effective Strategy for Installation and Operation of a Bioventing System to Remediate Jet Fuel Contamination Beneath the Former Refueling Apron at Griffiss AFB Rome, New York, Mr. Michael B. Broschart
- Lessons Learned from the Installation and Monitoring of a Permeable Reactive Barrier at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence, MO, Mr. Kevin Keller
- Electrical Resistance Heating for Rapid Remediation of DNAPL, Mr. David Fleming
Session 3
- What Does DLA Sell and Who is Buying Green?, Ms. Karen Moran
- DRMS Environmental Programs and Initiatives, Mr. Randy Smith
- DoD Shelf-Life Program, Mr. Mike Pipan
Session 4
- Fleet Approach to Operations and Training Sustainability, Mr. Gary Edwards
- Guidelines for Validating Computer-Generated Noise Contour Maps, Mr. George A. Luz
- Development of an Empirical Range Management Model, Dr. Leo D. Montroy
- An Integrated System for Fulfilling DoD Range Sustainability Requirements, Dr. George R. Thompson
- A bench-scale process to remove Pb from firing range soils, Mr. D. Dermatas
Session 5
- Measuring the Ecological Footprint of a Military Installation: How Much Nature Do We Consume?, Mr. David S. Eady
- An Industry Review of Data Collection, Evaluation and Reporting Standards For Leak Detection systems at Hazardous Waste Landfill Facilities, Ms. Karen Beach
- Performance-based EMS: From Output to Outcomes, Mr. Shakeb Afsah
Session 6
- Case Studies: Environmental Monitoring Using Optical Sensing (OP-FTIR) Technology at Oaklahoma City Air Logistics Center Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility, Dr. Freddie E. Hall, Jr.
- Fexability & Alternative Monitoring - A Success Story for Dugway Proving Grounds Fuel-Burning Equipment, Mr. Gerald L. Mason
- Surface Coating Rules and the DoD, Mr. Steve Rasmussen
- Trend Analysis of Army Air Quality Issues, Ms. Heather L. Johnson
- Technical Guide for Performing General Conformity Emission Calculations, Ms. Judith A. Dempsey
Session 7
- Environmental Issues in Homeland Security, LTC JAmes Crocker
- Biomarkers of Environmental Exposures, LTC (P) Susanne Clark
- Army Environmental Program Successes, Mr. David Guzewich
- Enabling Policies for Implementation of Army Sustainability, Dr. Jorge Vanegas
- Cancer Clusters, Ms. Keera Cleare
- Strategic Management, Analysis, Requirements and Technology (SMART) Initiative, Dick Wright/Dan Uyesugi
Session 8
- U. S. Army Institutional Environmental Integration Efforts, Col. Robert Kirsch
- PCB's in the hudson River: The investigation Behind the EPA's Record of Decision, Dr. Edward A. Garvey
- General Service Administration Delineates "Low-VOC" Paints, Dr. Ron Foster
- Environmental Baseline Survey at a DoD Facility with Reduced Operations, Randa Chichakli
Session 9
- Compliance with the "New" SPCC Rule, Mr. Randy S. Waibel
- Natural Resource Damage Claims: Potential Liabilities and Mitigation Opportunities, LTC Daniel J. Sheehy
- Deciding How Clean is Clean Enough Under the Texas Law of Risk-Based Corrective Action, Mr. Chris Pepper
- Mercury Wastewater Problem at Medical Facilities, Mr. William F. Fifty
- SPCC Regulations and the DoD, Mr. Stanley L. Rasmussen
Session 10
- Environmental Site Closeout Strategies, Mr. Dennis E. Lundquist
- Achieving Risk Allocation and Sustaining Readiness in Environmental Construction Contracting, Mr. William Schaal
- BRAC Innovation, Mr. John Wright
- Transfer of Surplus Properties Using New Legislative Authorities, Mr. Harry H. Zimmerman Jr.
Session 11
Session 12
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Rule Applicability and Requirements for Military Installations, Mr. Ralph Vasquez
- Benefits of GIS in Infrastructure Solutions US Air Force Academy Environmental Program, Mr. James Huiting
- Obtaining and Maintaining Stormwater Compliance at a DOD Industrial Facility, Mr. Robert Kirkbright
- Design and Installation of Innovative Stormwater Structures at Washington Navy Yard, Mr. Steven Kawchak
- Design and Installation of Innovative Stormwater Structures at Washington Navy Yard
Session 13
- Fleet Approach to EMS Implementation, Commander Mary Helinski
- Developing Meaningful Metrics for an EMS, Mr. Philip Wood
- Transforming the Navy Environmental Data Management Program, Ms. Eileen D. Goff
Session 14
- In SITU Perchlorate Biormediation at IHDIV NSWC, Dr. Paul B. Hatzinger
- Environmental Fate and Transport Modeling of Explosives and Propellants in the Unsaturated Zone, Mr. Joseph Robb
- Remediation Technology Selection Made Simple!, Richard T. Cartwright
- GIS for a Large Chemical Warfare Materiel Investigation/Remediation Project in Washington, DC, Ms. Marianne Cardwell
Session 15
- Identifying emerging pollution prevention technologies for direct insertion, Mr. Gary E. Baker
- Chicken Little's Low Hanging Fruit AKA P2 can still be easy . Janitorial Process & Industrial Cleaning, Mr. Mike Jago
- Corrosion Control & Cathodic Protection for Water Systems, What You Need to Know But Were Afraid to Ask?, Mr. John Kay
- Pollution Prevention Success Stories at the Oaklahoma City Air Logistics Center, Freddie E. Hall, Jr.
- USAREUR Ozone Depleting Chemical Elimination Program - Integrating Class I ODC Identification with Elimination Project Programming, Mr. Ulrich Osberghas
Session 16
- Dirty Bomb Containment System, Mr. Jeffrey W. Gold
- Heavy Equipment Procurement Program (HEPP), Ms. Susan Weber
- Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense: Annex to the Facility Response Plan, NAS Corpus Christi, TX, Mr. Jim F. Chamberlain
- Conservation Partnering Opportunities for Military Departments, Public Agencies, and Private Conservators, Mr. Rich Engle
- Paving the Roadmap for Implementation of Army Sustainability: Drivers, Inhibitors, Enablers, and Paradigm Shifts, Dr. Jorge Vanegas
Session 17
- Utilities Privatization: DoD's Preferred Method for Upgrading DoD's Preferred Method for Upgrading Utility Systems Utility Systems, Cap. Rick Marrs
- Virginia-American Water Company Water Infrastructure System Utility Privatization, Mr. John S. Watson
- Energy Transformation: The Role of Hydrogen Fuel Cell in Providing Clean Energy of the Future, Mr. Robert L. Warren
- Economics of Hybrid Electric Technology for Military Vehicles, Dr. Michael E. Canes
- Can Commercially Available Bio-Based Hydrolic Fluid Make the Grade for the Army? Part II, Ms. Jill Tebbe
- COTS Software for Real-Time Situational Awareness of Industrial Operations, Mr. Paul Hagan
Session 18
- Environmental Quality Technology Program: Addressing Defense Requirements with Tomorrow's Technology, Mr. Joseph S. Vallone
- A HAZMAT Synergism. JEMMS RHICS and Know-How, Mr. Terry Tibbs
- Lead-Based Paint Conversion Technology, Mr. Scott Edwards
- Navy Environmental Leadership Program (NELP), Ms. Diane Lancaster
- Improving Air Quality Through Environmental Technology Verifications, Mr. Andrew Trenholm
- Enhanced Hydrostratigraphic Modeling Approach Using Direct Push Electrical Conductivity Logging (DP e-logging), Mr. Vincent J. Grassi
Session 19
- An Integrated Chemical, Biological, Radiological Agent Monitoring Solution, Mr. J. Herbert Dempsey
- Emergency Response: World Trade Center and Pentagon, Mr. Paul T. Pettit
- Water Utility Vulnerability and Risk Assessment: The Titusville Example, Mr. Frerick J. Martin
- Integrating Environment, Chem-Bio Technologies, and A/E at a Package Handling Facility, Dr. Theodore M. Prociv
- Establishing Zoonotic Foci Sentinel Systems to Detect Biological Terrorism Events, Dr. Steven M. Presley
- Database and GIS Solutions Developed During the Anthrax Emergency Cleanup Response on Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., Mr. Randy Dorian
Session 20
- Military Munitions Response Program, Col. John Selstrom
- Standardized UXO Technology Sites Program Status, Mr. George Robitaille
- Strategic Management Analysis, Requirements and Technology (SMART) Team Lessons Learned, Mr. Dick Wright
- GIS Decision Support System, Mr. Harold L. Smith
- Comprehensive List of Chemicals Likely to be Found at Military Ranges - A Case Study of Camp Edwards, Massachusetts, Mr. Jay Clausen
Session 21
- Sustainability Why We Need Public Support -- and How to Get It, Ms. Janice Larkin
- Tribal Consultation and its Role in Federal Projects, Ms. Cheryl Kandaras Chapman
- Successful Use of Risk Communication in Environmental Projects, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Laboratory (NSWCDL), Ms. Karen M. Coghlan
- Community and Media Outreach as Tools in the Environmental Cleanup Program Toolbox, Ms. Maude Bullock
- Lessons in Effective Planning for Stakeholder Involvement, Mr. Andrew Walker
Session 22
- Developing the Strategy for Implementing EMS in the U.S. Army Reserve, Mr. Ron Tschirhart
- ARNG's Road to ISO 14001, Maj Merle London
- Operational Units in the Army Need and EMS too, Mr. Philip Wood
- Natural Disaster Prepardeness Planning and Successful Implementation, Mr. William Schaal
- How can an EMS lead to Installation Sustainability?, Mr. Philip Wood
Session 23
- Fast-tracking NEPA Documents within the DoD, Mr. David Batts
- Mercury Management Environmental Impact Statement, Mr. F. Kevin Reilly
- Utilities Privitization and the Environmental Process Employed by the DoD - One Forms Experience, Mr. Jimmie Hammontree
- CINCLANTFLT NEPA Program Management Website, Mr. Jeffrey H. Butts
- Integration of Decision Analysis and Roadmapping Tools for Use in Strategic Mission Planning, NEPA Environmental Impact Statements, Science & Technology to Support Operations, Mr. William J. Melton
Session 24
- Drinking Water Early Warning Detection and Monitoring Technology Evaluation and Demonstration, Mr. Rajib Sinha
- Groundwater Vulnerability: Protecting Water Supplies from Outside Forces and Ourselves, Mr. Peter Dillon
- Common Sense Approach to Water Security, Dr. Ronald A Torgerson
- Environmental Terorism - Be Prepared, Mr. Steven J.Stone
- Re-Visioning Biological Defense as a Strategic Enabler for Health Protection, LTC Susanne Clark
Session 25
- Sustaining Readiness GIS as the Foundation of an Environmental Management System, Mr. Craig Lees
- NASA Environmental Management System, Michael J. Green
- An Intranet-Based EMS to Support Business Operations and Mission Readiness for PHD-NSWC, Mr. Bruce W. Bigon
- Strategic Environmental Strategic Environmental Leadership, Mr. Robert Scola
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Implementation at Chemical Demilitarization Facilities, Mr. James R. Wood
- Managing Hazardous Waste at Multiple Installations: EMS Concepts in Action, Mr. P. Charles Mason
Session 26
- Evaluation of Phytore - mediation for Groundwater Control at a Landfill Site in California, Mr. Daniel P. Leigh
- Evaluation of Phytoremediation for Groundwater Control at a Landfill Site in California, Mr. Daniel P. Leigh
- Getting One for the GFPR: HQDA BRAC and Parsons Lessons Learned on the Hingham Annex Closure, Mr. James W. Lowerre
- Stabilization of Metals and Propellants in Soil from the Sunflower Ammunition Plant, Dr. Paul R. Lear
Session 27
- Setting Your Installation up for Environmental Success, Mr. Robert Booze
- Cross-Connection Control vs Force Protection, Mr. A. J. Wangner
- Environmentally Compliant Painting at Hill AFB, Mr. Kenneth M. Walter
- Recycling of Military Batteries: Now on GSA, Mr. David G. Miller
Session 28
- Financing Energy Security: Approaches to Increase Reliability and Reduce Costs Without Depending on Appropriations, Mr. Patrick J. Hughes
- The Bridge to Environmental and Energy Readiness, Ms. Helen Jay
- The Grand Truth to "Eco-Babble", Mr. Jerad A. Ford
- Economics of Electric Real Time Metering, Mr. Chris Werle
- Thermal Conversion of Wastes to Hydrogen for Fuel Cell Applications, Mr. Karl N. Hale
Session 29
- Combined Electrical and Magnetic Resistivity Tomography (ERT/MMR), Ms. Gail Heath
- Irrigation at Rocky Mountain Arsenal: Restoration/Mitigation of More Than 8,000 Acres, Mr. Ron Versaw
- Removal of Organic Pollutants and Warfare Agents Utilizing Surface Modified Filtration Devices, Mr. Hal Alper
Session 30
- Chemical Homeland Security System C-HoSS, Dr. George R. Thompson
- Operational Lessons Learned from Anthrax Attacks on the United States, Mr. Greg Janiec
- Cyanide as a Drinking water Contaminant, Mr. Andrew J. Whelton
- Rules-Based Workflow Management Systems for Real Time Emergency Response, Mr. Daniel Hillman
- Integration of Environmental Biosensor Data with the Secure Access Health Alert System, Dr. Venkat Rao
- The Role of the Installation Military Environmental Professional in Homeland Security, Dr. David A. Reed
Session 31
- Business Development vs. The Environment, Ms. Dorothy Peterson
- Managing Cold WarHistoric Structures: The Mitigation of the New Hampshire A-Side Antenna; A Cold War Era Historic Property at New Boston Air Station, Mr. Daniel J. O'Rourke
- New Laws Governing Biobased, Environmentally Preferable Lubricants, Mr. Mark Miller
- Deconstruction and Re-Use: Return to True Resource Conservation and Sustainability Principles, Mr. Ron Webster
Session 32
- "Addressing Defense Requirements with Tomorrow's Technology", Mr. Philip g. Churchill
- NESHAP Monitoring for On-Site Receptors, Mr. Bruce McElhoe
- Hazardous Materials Information Resource System (HMIRS), Ms. Kay Eggers
- Commercializing U.S. Government R&D Investments, Mr. Tyrone Taylor
Session 33
- Public Perception of Disease Clusters and the Need for Health Education, Ms. Keera Cleare
- Health Risk Assessment at Oaklahoma City Air Logistics Center Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility, Dr. Freddie E. Hall, Jr.
- Sustainable Operations Through EMS and Teamwork, Ms. Joanne Tingle
- The Untapped Military Drinking Water Surveillance Resource, Mr. Andrew J. Whelton
- DoD Protocol & Guidance for Conducting Integrated Facility Watershed Impact Assessments, Ms. Georgette Myers
- Analysis of Emerging and Occupational Health (EOH) Issues, Keera Cleare
Session 34
- Operational range Management of Unexploded Ordnance, Col. John Selstrom
- Bridging the Gap: Desert Scimitar as a Model for Military Use in Public Lands, Dr. Bruce F. Goff
- Range and Training Land Issues at Falcon Bombing Range, OK, Mr. S. Curtis Johnston
- Sustainable Management of Lead on Small Arm Ranges, Mr. Scott Edwards
Session 35
- Hazardous Management Management System (HSMS)2.4.1, Mr. Chris Taylor
- Long-Term Hazardous Material Reduction, Mr. James A. Lariviere
- ACTODEMIL Technology: A Novel R3 Approach for Neutralization of UXO and Range Scrap, Mr. Nandkishore
- Non-ODC Aircraft Oxygen Line Cleaning System Mr. John E. Herrington
Session 36
- Air Program Information Management System, Mr. Michael Baghoomian
- EWS and Regional Planning: Integrating Technology and Process, Mr. Cliff Whitmer
- U.S.Army Ammmunition Facility Implements Web-Based EMS, Jeff Hallett
- The Solid Waste Annual TReport on the Web
- Enterprise Environmental Approach: Sampling Tool, Dr. Larry Donmoyer
- U.S. Navy Hunters Point Shipyard (HPS) Web Portal, Randy Dorian