International Explosives Safety Symposium & Exposition

"Explosives Safety & Munitions Risk Management"

6 - 9 August 2018

San Diego, CA

DTIC Citations

Monday, August 6, 2018

Explosives Safety and Munitions Risk Management (ESMRM)

Site Planning
Lee Ann Cotton, CSP, P.E. Policy Development Division, Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB)


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Keynote Speaker

Concurrent Sessions: (10:15 - 12:00)

International Policy and Practice
Chair: Robert Ford
  • Explosives Safety and Munitions Risk Management – Compelling Past, Active Present, Uncertain Future (Presentation, Paper)
    • Thierry Chiapello, Executive Director, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • MSIAC Workshop 2018: Improved Explosives and Munitions Risk Management (Presentation, Paper)
    • Martijn van der Voort, Technical Specialist Officer, Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC)
  • Standardization of Explosives Classification and Characterization Testing (Presentation, Paper)
    • Robert Ford, President, Safety Management Services, Inc.
  • Allied Ammunition Storage and Transport Publication Number 4 (AASTP-4) – Status and Future Updates (Presentation, Paper)
    • Hans Øiöm, Research Lead, Norwegian Defense Materiell Agency - Ammunition
Risk Management and Governance
Chair: Robert MacNaught
  • Reducing Tort Liability Arising Out of Federal Munitions/Explosives Contracts: A Matter of Mutual Responsibility for the U.S. and its Contractors (Presentation, Paper)
    • Raymond Biagini, Partner, Covington & Burling, LLP
  • Overview of Explosives Safety Governance in the DoD (Presentation, Paper)
    • Art Kaminski, Director of Policy Development, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Avoiding Confusion in Risk Management (Presentation, Paper)
    • John Fellows, CEO, A-P-T Research, Inc.
  • The UK's Explosives Safety Vision – Demonstrably Safe, Environmentally Sound, Effective, and Available Defense Capability
    • Robert MacNaught, Defense OME Safety Regulator, UK Defence Safety Authority
Risk Mitigation and Demil
Chair: Stephanie Wacenske
  • Review of A Decontamination Accident (Presentation, Paper)
    • Lyn Little, Explosives Safety Specialist, Mission Support Services
  • Risk Assessment Methodology in Connection with Transfer of Former Military Training Areas to Civilian Society in Sweden (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dennis Menning, Senior Scientist, Swedish Defense Research Agency
  • Decontamination and Dismantling (D&D) of Explosive Contaminated Process Piping in High Explosive Load Lines (Presentation, Paper)
    • Paul Miller, Director, Advanced Technology Systems, Gradient Technology, Inc.
  • Modeling a Robust Caisson Structure to Resist Effects from Blow-in-Place of Underwater Unexploding Ordnance, SERDP MR-2648 (Presentation)
    • Joseph Trotsky, Environmental Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center

Concurrent Sessions: (1:00 - 2:40)

Risk Management and Siting Applications
Chair: Hugo Dijkers
  • Part I/Risk-Based Siting Criteria – Current and Future Efforts in Risk Management and Siting Applications (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Josephine Covino, Science Advisor, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Part II/Risk-Based Siting Criteria – Current and Future Efforts in Risk Management and Siting Applications (Presentation, Paper 1, Paper 2)
    • Dr. Ming Liu, Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
  • A Fast Running Engineering Model for Lethality Due to Wall Debris Thrown from Above Ground Magazines (Presentation, Paper)
    • Peter Kummer, Senior Safety Expert, Bienz, Kummer & Partner Ltd.
  • An Overview of Risk-Based Explosives Safety Siting (Presentation, Paper)
    • Michael Oesterle, Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
Explosives Safety Policy and Practice I
Chair: Martin Pope
  • Experimental and Theoretical Basis of NATO Standards for Safe Storage of Ammunitions and Explosives (Presentation, Paper)
    • Martijn van der Voort, Technical Specialist Officer, Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC)
  • Reducing Blast Distant Focused Overpressure Effects (Presentation, Paper)
    • Paul Braithwaite, Sr. Staff Scientist, Northrop Grumman
  • The Klotz Group Contribution to Explosion Safety (Presentation, Paper 1, Paper 2)
    • * Robert Conway, Research Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
  • Ballistic Trajectory Modeling for the Insensitive Munitions Type IV/V Hazardous Fragment Threshold (Presentation, Paper)
    • Kevin Miers, Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ARDEC

* This person is presenting the paper on the author's behalf.

Planning/Reducing Explosives Risk
Chair: Dr. Jerry Ward
  • Navy A&E Facility Planning (Presentation)
    • Gary Hogue, Senior Explosives Safety Expert, Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity
  • U.S. Navy A&EFS Program Overview/Magazine Storage Requirements Calculator (MSRC) Optimization Algorithms (Presentation, Paper)
    • Tyler Ross, Explosives Safety Engineer, A-P-T Research, Inc.
  • Research Plan for ECM Required Earth Cover (Presentation, Paper)
    • Joshua Payne, Research Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center
  • How Not to Site Plan: Common Pitfalls and Mistakes in Hazards Analyses (Presentation, Paper)
    • Tyler Ross, Explosives Safety Engineer, A-P-T Research, Inc.

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Concurrent Sessions: (3:10 - 4:50)

Risk Management and Siting Applications II
Chair: Shonn McNeill
  • IMESAFR Overview (Presentation, Paper)
    • John Tatom, Chief, Explosives Safety and Testing, A-P-T Research, Inc.
  • The IMESAFR Science Panel (Presentation, Paper)
    • Shonn McNeill, Chief, Explosives R&D Division, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
  • Modeling Uncertainty in Concept and in Quantitative Risk Assessment Models (Presentation, Paper)
    • * John Tatom, Chief, Explosives Safety and Testing, A-P-T Research, Inc.

* This person is presenting the paper on the author's behalf.

Explosives Safety Policy and Practice II
Chair: Peter Kummer
  • MSIAC – Update, Activities, and Highlights (Presentation, Paper)
    • Martin Pope, Technical Specialist Officer, Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC)
  • Applying Systematic Risk Management Protocol to the Design of a Modern Propellant Manufacturing Plant in Australia (Presentation (large file) Paper)
    • Robert Ford, President, Safety Management Services, Inc.
  • Coupled CFD/CSD Simulations of Dust Production by Fragmenting Charges Using Stabilized Linear Tetrahedral Elements (Paper)
    • Dr. Orlando Soto, Computational Physics Scientist, Applied Simulations, Inc.
  • "Intended Use" and Hazard Classification Testing (Presentation, Paper)
    • Erik Wrobel, Chemical Engineer, U.S. Army ARDEC
Risk Management – Storage Systems
Chair: James King
  • Engineering Explosives Safety – The Development of the Pseudo Underground Storage System (PUGSS) (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Chong Seah, Head Engineer, Defense Science and Technology Agency
  • Development of Deep Earth Cover Magazines (Presentation, Paper)
    • Kai Oh, Senior Engineer, Defense Science and Technology Agency
  • Steel Box Earth-Covered Magazine (Presentation, Paper)
    • Tyler Ross, Explosives Safety Engineer, A-P-T Research, Inc.
Networking Reception & Poster Review
  • A Retrospective Study on the Safety of Waterjet (WJ) and Abrasive Waterjet (AWJ) Processing of High Explosive Ordnance (Paper, Poster)
    • Paul Miller, Director, Advanced Technical Systems, Gradient Technology, Inc.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Concurrent Sessions: (10:20 - 12:00)

Risk Management - Thermal Effects I - Burn to Violent Reactions
Chair: Ed Walseman
  • Metrics Analysis for the Improved Evaluation Methodology of the Hazard Severity of Fragments Projected from a Deflagrating Warhead (Presentation, Paper)
    • Daniel Pudlak, Engineer, U.S. Army ARDEC
  • Combustion Behavior & Quantity Distance Siting (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Josephine Covino, Science Advisor, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Experimental Results of The Convective Combustion of an HD 1.3 Material (Presentation)
    • Cynthia Romo, Mechanical Engineer, NAWCWD
  • Characterizing the Pressure Gain of Magazines Due to Convective Combustion of M1 Gun Propellant (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Brian Bojko, Aerospace Engineer, NAWCWD
Explosives Safety Siting – Testing
Chair: Thomas Garcia
  • An Overview of AMO-CAT: DDESB's Explosives Safety Knowledge Improvement Program (Presentation, Paper)
    • Robert Conway, Research Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
  • Iron Warrior IV Debris Recovery: ATF's Use of DDESB's Technical Paper 21 (Presentation, Paper)
    • John Tatom, Chief, Explosives Safety and Testing, A-P-T Research, Inc.
  • Small Quantities for Research and Laboratories (SQRL) Test Program (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Michelle Crull, Senior Structural Engineer, U.S. Army Engineering & Support Center, Huntsville
  • Protective Construction for Personnel in Operations Buildings with Varying Explosives Hazards (Presentation, Paper)
    • John Nevels, PE, U.S. Army Engineering & Support Center, Huntsville
Explosives Hazards – Other Considerations
Chair: Dr. Joshua Hoffman
  • How Can the Government Mitigate the Use of Common Household Products Used for Explosives? (Presentation, Paper)
    • Robert Clowers, Consultant, Envistacom
  • Chemistry of Chemical Warfare Agents (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Kirstin Warner, Chemist, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Design Factor Influences on Total Determined Explosives Site Risk (Presentation)
    • Dr. Jason Florek, Senior Engineer, Stone Security Engineering
  • An International Standard to Manage Space Launch Risks (Presentation, Paper)
    • Tom Pfitzer, President, A-P-T Research, Inc.

Concurrent Sessions: (1:00 - 2:40)

Risk Management – Thermal Effects II – Modeling
Chair: Dr. Noel Hsu
  • Modeling and Simulation of HD 1.3 Thermal Initiation Tests on a Small Reinforced Concrete Storage Structure (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Ming Liu, Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
  • Numerical Modeling of Sub-Scale Convective Combustion of M1 Propellant (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Fumiya Togashi, Chief Combustion Scientist, Applied Simulations, Inc.
  • Integrated Violence Model of 1.3 Events with Example Test Results (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Clint Guymon, Director of R&D, Safety Management Services, Inc.
  • A General Pressure Generation Model for Granular Propellant Fires (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Frederick Paquet, Project Officer, General Dynamics OTS
Explosion Effects – Modeling I
Chair: Robert Conway
  • A Fast Running Model for Accurate Time-Dependent Post-Shock Gas Flow (Presentation, Paper)
    • Pietro Gheorghiu, Engineer, Karagozian & Case, Inc.
  • Estimation of Primary Blast Injuries Inside Buildings (Presentation, Paper)
    • Knut B. Holm, Senior Scientist, Norwegian Defense Research Establishment (FFI)
Explosives Safety – Solutions
Chair: Dr. Joseph Baum
  • Explosives Safety Siting Quantity-Distance Engine & Flowcharts Criteria Merge and Software Rewrite (Presentation, Paper)
    • Cameron Stewart, Research Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
  • Protective Construction Design Roadmap (Presentation, Paper)
    • Arturo Luna, Research Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
  • Ultra-High-Speed Optical Flame Detection and Releasing System Solutions for the Munitions Industry (Presentation, Paper)
    • Michael Hosch, Flame Detection Product Line Manager, Det-Tronics

Concurrent Sessions: (3:10 - 4:50)

Risk Management – Thermal Effects III – Structural Design & Reactions Violence
Chair: Dr. Lara Leininger
  • Protective Construction Design Criteria for HD 1.3 (Presentation, Paper)
    • Arturo Luna, Research Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
  • Realistic Assessment of HD 1.3 Events (Presentation, Paper)
    • Maurice Muser, Project Manager, Audits & Regulatory Compliance, Nammo Raufoss AS
  • Explosion Effects and Consequences from Detonations and Less Violent Munitions Response (Presentation, Paper)
    • Martijn van der Voort, Technical Specialist Officer, Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC)
  • Safety Assessments of Thermally Damaged Energetic Materials (Presentation, Paper)
    • John Reynolds, Senior Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Explosion Effects – Modeling II
Chair: Dr. Ming Liu
  • Improved Method to Calculate Gas Pressure from Partially Confined Detonations (Presentation, Paper)
    • Charles Oswald, Senior Principal, Protection Engineering Consultants
  • On the Role of Modeling Dust Production by Fragmenting Warheads in Storage Facilities (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Joseph Baum, CEO, Applied Simulations, Inc
  • Updated Blast Effects and Consequence Models in DDESB Technical Paper 14 (Presentation, Paper)
    • Robert Conway, Research Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
  • The Current State of the Vulnerability Assessment and Protection Option (VAPO) Software Program and its Applicability to the Explosives Safety Community (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. James Nichols, VAPO Principal Investigator, Applied Research Associates, Inc.
Operational Risk I
Chair: Dr. Michael Oesterle
  • Operationalizing the Munitions Risk Management Assessment Process (Presentation)
    • John Lenox, Director Military Operations, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Explosives Safety Risk Assessments at Ports (Presentation, Paper)
    • Brandon Fryman, Junior Engineer, A-P-T Research, Inc.
  • Planning Considerations for Munitions Related Infrastructure (Presentation, Paper)
    • Lea Ann Cotton, Safety Engineer, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Explosion Siting Assessment for Sounding Rocket Missions (Presentation, Paper)
    • Jon Chrostowski, Senior Scientist, ACTA, Inc.
  • Quantitative Risk Analysis of Ammunition Transshipments in Harbors (Presentation, Paper)
    • Hugo Dijkers, Researcher, TNO Defence, Safety and Security


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Concurrent Sessions: (8:00 - 9:40)

Hazard Classifications & Insensitive Munitions I – International Standardization
Chair: Dr. Upton Shimp
  • Motivations for NATO Standardization of Hazard Classification Procedures (Presentation, Paper)
    • Brent Knoblett, Safety Engineer, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • NATO Working Group on Insensitive Munitions and Hazard Classification Requirements, Assessment, and Hazard Frequency (Presentation)
    • Martin Pope, Technical Specialist Officer, Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC
  • Review and Update of STANAG 4526 Shaped Charge Jet, Munitions Test Procedure (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Brian Fuchs, Experimental Evaluation Lead Technical Expert, U.S. Army ARDEC
Electrical Hazards and Protective Equipment
Chair: John Fellows
  • Third-Party Lightning Protection System Certification Program for Explosives Facilities (Presentation, Paper)
    • Mitchell Guthrie, Senior Engineer, Lightning Protection Institute Inspection Program
  • Identifying Lightning Protection Requirements and Deficiencies (Presentation, Paper)
    • Jeffrey Denton, Electrical Engineer, Army Corps of Engineers
  • Lightning Risk Assessment Tailored to Applications Involving Structures Housing Explosives (Presentation)
    • Alain Rousseau, President, SEFTIM
  • Considerations on Analysis of Lightning Protection System Adequacy When Required Documentation is Not Available (Presentation)
    • Mitchell Guthrie, Senior Engineer, Lightning Protection Institute Inspection Program
Protective Construction I
Chair: Jon Chrostowski
  • Enhancing Constructability and Reducing Construction Costs of Reinforced Concrete Blast Cells (Presentation, Paper)
    • William Zehrt, Jr., Structural Engineer, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Structural Response of an Earth Covered Magazine to a Simulated Blast Loading (Presentation, Paper)
    • Joseph Hamilton, Engineer, Karagozian & Case, Inc.
  • Canadian Long Span Earth Covered Magazine - Design Challenges (Presentation, Paper)
    • Hariharasankaran Vaidyanathan, Senior Structural Engineer, Department of National Defense, Canada
  • Earth Covered Magazines Vertical Seismic Ground Motion Effects (Presentation, Paper)
    • Harold Sprague, Subject Matter Expert, Parsons Corp.

Concurrent Sessions: (10:20 - 12:00)

Hazard Classification & Insensitive Munitions II – Methodologies
Chair: Hans Øiöm
  • DOE/NNSA Insensitive High Explosive (IHE) Qualification and Testing (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Lara Leininger, Director, Energetic Materials Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Introducing the U.S. Navy Insensitive Munitions Handbook (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Jerry Ward, Senior Lead Engineer, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Comparison of Shock Stimuli from Current Hazard Classification Testing and Potential Threats (Presentation, Paper)
    • Paul Braithwaite, Sr. Staff Scientist, Northrop Grumman
Ammonium Nitrate – Hazard/Risk Management
Chair: Daniel Granados
  • West Fertilizer Explosion – Source Energy and Structural Damage (Presentation, Paper)
    • Ben Harrison, Technical Director, ABS Group
  • The Behavior of Ammonium Nitrate in a Fire, Recent Events and Resulting Changes in Fire Code (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Noel Hsu, VP, Global Regulatory Affairs, Orica USA, Inc.
  • Ammonium Nitrate Modeling in the AN Module of IMESAFR (Presentation, Paper)
    • Michael Swisdak, Jr., Senior Scientist, A-P-T Research, Inc.
  • Quantitative Risk Analyses in the Commercial Explosives Industry (Presentation, Paper)
    • William Evans, Senior Industry Explosives Risk Analyst, A-P-T Research, Inc.
Protective Construction II – Standards
Chair: Gary Hogue
  • DDESB Technical Paper (TP) 15 Update and Standard ECM Designs Approved for New Construction (Presentation, Paper)
    • Ryan Bowers, Explosives Safety Engineer, Army Corps of Engineers
  • Effects of High Strain Rates on ASTM A992 and A572 Grade 50 Steels (Presentation, Paper)
    • Matthew Murray, Research Mechanical Engineer, ERDC-GSL
  • Internal Blast Test of a Reinforced Concrete Structure (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Michael Oesterle, Research Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center

Concurrent Sessions: (1:00 - 2:40)

Hazard Classification & Insensitive Munitions III – Applications and Challenges
Chair: Dr. Brian Fuchs
  • Tying Hazard Classification and Insensitive Munitions Testing to Explosives Quantitative Risk Assessment Modeling (Presentation, Paper)
    • * Michael Swisdak, Jr., Senior Scientist, A-P-T Research, Inc.
  • Weapons System Hazardous Fragment Characterization (Presentation)
    • Gary Hogue, Senior Explosives Safety Expert, Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity
  • An Investigation into a Proper Heating Rate for the Slow Heating Test (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. David Hubble, Mechanical Engineer, NSWC Dahlgren Division
  • Insensitive Munitions Explosive Ordnance Disposal Challenges (Presentation)
    • Martin Pope, Technical Specialist Officer, Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC)

* This person is presenting the paper on the author's behalf.

U.S. Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB) Tools and Practices
Chair: James O'Kane
  • DDESB Software & Tools – Planning for the Future (Presentation, Paper)
    • Lea Ann Cotton, Safety Engineer, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Explosives Safety Siting (ESS) Software – Overview and Status (Presentation, Paper)
    • David Bianchi, Geographer, NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
  • Explosives Safety Siting (ESS) Software Migration to Web Based Technologies (Presentation, Paper)
    • Shea Broussard, Geographer GIS, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
  • Primary Fragment Characterization Tools: A DDESB Technical Paper 16 Update (Presentation, Paper)
    • Susan Hamilton, Civil Engineer, U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville
Structural Effects I – Approaches
Chair: Stephen Struck
  • Risk-Based Explosion Assessment - Internal Explosion of Exploration Upper Stage in Vehicle Assembly Building (Presentation, Paper)
    • Jon Chrostowski, Senior Scientist, ACTA, Inc.
  • Modeling Reinforced Concrete Protective Construction for Impact Scenarios (Presentation, Paper)
    • Brad Durant, Research Structural Engineer, NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
  • IME Derailed Debris Collection (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Joshua Hoffman, Director of Technical Services, Institute of Makers of Explosives
  • Identifying Optimal Concrete Strength for Varying Levels of Blast Loading (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Tarek Kewaisy, Principal Associate, Louis Berger Group

Concurrent Sessions: (3:10 - 4:50)

Hazard Classification and Insensitive Munitions IV – Measurements & Estimates
Chair: Paul Braithwaite
  • The ARDEC Gap Test for Small Grain Gun Propellants (Presentation, Paper)
    • Erik Wrobel, Chemical Engineer, U.S. Army ARDEC
  • Airblast Equivalent Weight and Yield Determinations Based on Measurements of Energy and Other Blast Wave Parameters (Presentation, Paper)
    • Michael Swisdak, Jr., Senior Scientist, A-P-T Research, Inc.
  • Results from Gaseous Methane/Oxygen Mixture Testing (Presentation, Paper)
    • Mike Bangham, President, Bangham Engineering, Inc.
  • Use of TNT Equivalency Estimation (Presentation, Paper)
    • Dr. Brian Fuchs, Experimental Evaluation Lead Technical Expert, U.S. Army ARDEC
Structural Effects II – Methods & Applications
Chair: Paul Cummins
  • Simulation-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Walls Used to Prevent Sympathetic Detonation in Explosives Facilities (Presentation)
    • Dr. Tarek Kewaisy, Principal Associate, Louis Berger Group
  • Numerical Modeling of Explosively Loaded Concrete Structure Using a Coupled CFD-CSD Methodology (Presentation, Paper)
    • Michael Giltrud, Principal Engineer, Applied Simulations, Inc.
  • Comparison of Quantity-Distance Standards for Earth-Covered Magazines in Various National/International Manuals (Presentation, Paper)
    • David Bogosian, Sr. Principal Engineer, Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc.
  • Earth Covered-Magazines Structural Integrity Assessments (ECMSIA) (Presentation, Paper)
    • Jeff Coulston, Chief Structural Branch, Army Engineering and Support Center
Operational Risk II
Chair: John Tatom
  • Overview of ETUG Standard ETUG-GS01-15 (Presentation, Paper)
    • Robert Ford, President, Safety Management Services, Inc.
  • Status of the U.S. DoD Munitions Safety Program – Program Management Pillars (Presentation, Paper)
    • William Robertson, Director Program Evaluation, DoD Explosives Safety Board
  • Protective Equipment for Small Scale Laboratory Explosive Hazards – Explosive Testing of: Clothing for Hand and Body Protection, Shielding Materials, Eye, and Face Protection (Presentation)
    • Stephen Miller, Trials Conducting Officer, AWE PLC

DTIC Citations