Tri-Service Infrastructure Systems Conference & Exhibition
"Re-Energizing Engineering Excellence"
2 - 4 August 2005
St. Louis, MO
Track: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21
Panel: The Future of Engineering and Construction
- LTG Carl A. Strock, Commander, USACE
- Dr. James Wright, Chief Engineer, NAVFAC
Panel: USACE Engineering and Construction
- Dr. Michael J. O'Connor, Director, R&D
Panel: Navy General Session
- Mr. Steve Geusic, Engineering Criteria & Programs NAVFAC Atlantic
Introduction to Multi-Disciplinary Tracks
Engineering Circular: Engineering Reliability Guidance for Existing USACE Civil Works Infrastructure
- Mr. David M. Schaaf, PE, LRD Regional Technical Specialist, Navigation Engineering Louisville District
MILCON S&A Account Study
- Mr. J. Joseph Tyler, PE, Chief, Programs Integration Division, Directorate of Military Programs HQUSACE
Financial Justification on Bentley Enterprise License Agreement (ELA)
- The Chicago Shoreline Storm Damage Reduction Project, Andrew Benziger
- Protecting the NJ Coast Using Large Stone Seawalls, Cameron Chasten
- Cascade: An Integrated Coastal Regional Model for Decision Support and Engineering Design, Nicholas C. Kraus and Kenneth J. Connell
- Modeling Sediment Transport Along the Upper Texas Coast, David B. King Jr., Jeffery P. Waters and William R. Curtis
- Sediment Compatibility for Beach Nourishment in North Carolina, Gregory L. Williams
- Evaluating Beachfill Project Performance in the USACE Philadelphia District, Monica Chasten and Harry Friebel
- US Army Corps of Engineers' National Coastal Mapping Program, Jennifer Wozencraft
- Flood Damage Reduction Project Using Structural and Non-Structural Measures, Stacey Underwood
- Shore Protection Project Performance Improvement Initiative (S3P2I), Susan Durden
- Hurricane Isabel Post-Storm Assessment, Jane Jablonski
- US Army Corps of Engineers Response to the Hurricanes of 2004, Rick McMillen and Daniel R. Haubner
- Increased Bed Erosion Due to Increased Bed Erosion Due to Ice, Decker B. Hains, John I. Remus, and Leonard J. Zabilansky
- Mississippi Valley Division, James D. Gutshall
- Impacts to Ice Regime Resulting from Removal of Milltown Dam, Clark Fork River, Montana, Andrew M. Tuthill, Kathleen D. White, and Lynn A. Daniels
- Carroll Island Micromodel Study: River Miles 273.0-263.0, Jasen Brown
- Monitoring the Effects of Sedimentation from Mount St. Helens, Alan Donner, Patrick O'Brien and David Biedenharn
- Watershed Approach to Stream Stability and Benefits Related to the Reduction of Nutrients, John B. Smith
- A Lake Tap for Water Temperature Control Tower Construction at Cougar Dam, Oregon, Stephen Schlenker, Nathan Higa and Brad Bird
- San Francisco Bay Mercury TMDL - Implications for Constructed Wetlands, Herbert Fredrickson, Elly Best and Dave Soballe
- Abandoned Mine Lands: Eastern and Western Perspectives, Kate White and Kim Mulhern
- Translating the Hydrologic Tower of Babel, Dan Crawford
- Demonstrating Innovative River Restoration Technologies: Truckee River, Nevada, Chris Dunn
- System-Wide Water Resource Management - Tools of the Trade
- Ecological and Engineering Considerations for Dam Decommissioning, Retrofits, and Reoperations, Jock Conyngham
- Hydraulic Design of tidegates and other Water Control structures for Ecosystem Restoration projects on the Columbia River estuary, Patrick S. O'Brien
- Surface Bypass & Removable Spillway Weirs, Lynn Reese
- Impacts of using a spillway for juvenile fish passage on typical design criteria, Bob Buchholz
- Howard Hanson Dam: Hydraulic Design of Juvenile Fish Passage Facility in Reservoir with Wide Pool Fluctuation, Dennis Mekkers and Daniel M. Katz
- Current Research in Fate Current Research in Fate & Transport of Chemical and Biological Contaminants in Water Distribution Systems, Vincent F. Hock
- Regional Modeling Requirements, Maged Hussein
- Tools for Wetlands Permit Evaluation: Modeling Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction, Cary Talbot
- Ecosystem Restoration for Fish and Wildlife Habitat on the UMRS, Jon Hendrickson
- Missouri River Shallow Water Habitat Creation, Dan Pridal
- Aquatic Habitat Restoration in the Lower Missouri River, Chance Bitner
- Transition to an Oracle Based Data System (Corps Water Management System, CWMS), Joel Asunskis
- The Mississippi Valley Division Water Control Website, Rich Engstrom
- HEC-ResSim 3.0: Enhancements and New Capabilities, Fauwaz Hanbali
- Hurricane Season 2004 - Not to Be Forgotten, Jacob Davis
- Re-Evaluation of a Flood Control Project, Ferris W. Chamberlin
- Helmand Valley Water Management Plan, Jason Needham
- A New Approach to Water Management Decision Making, James D. Barton
- Developing Reservoir Operational Plans to Manage Ero, Patrick S. O'Brien
- Improved Water Supply Forecasts for the Kootenay Basin, Randal T. Wortman
- ResSIM Model Development for Columbia River System, Arun Mylvahanan
- Prescriptive Reservoir Modeling and the ROPE, Jason Needham
- Missouri River Basin Water Management, Larry Murphy
- Corps Involvement in FEMA's Map Modernization Program, Kate White, John Hunter and Mark Flick
- Innovative Approximate Study Method for FEMA Map Moderniation Program, John Hunter
- Flood Fighting Structures Demonstration and Evaluation Program (FFSD), Fred Pinkard
- Integrating Climate Dynamics Into Water Resources Planning and Management, Kate White
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Contributions to Risk and Uncertainty Propagation Studies, Robert Moyer
- Uncertainty Analysis: Parameter Estimation, Jackie P. Hallberg
- Geomorphology Study of the Middle Mississippi River, Eddie Brauer
- Bank Erosion and Morphology of the Kaskaskia River, Michael T. Rodgers
- Degradation of the Kansas City Reach of the Missouri River, Alan Tool
- Sediment Impact Assessment Model (SIAM), David S. Biedenharn and Meg Jonas
- Mississippi River Sedimentation Study, Basil Arthur
- Sediment Model of Rivers, Charlie Berger
- East Grand Forks, MN and Grand Forks, ND Local Flood Damage Reduction Project, Michael Lesher
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses, Thomas R. Brown
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling of the Mccook and Thornton Tunnel and Reservoir Plans, David Kiel
- Ala Wai Canal Project, Lynnette F. Schaper
- Missouri River Geospatial Decision Support Framework, Bryan Baker and Martha Bullock
- Systemic Analysis of the Mississippi & Illinois Rivers Upper Mississippi River Comprehensive Plan, Dennis L. Stephens
- Section 227: National Shoreline Erosion Control Demonstration and Development Program Annual Workshop
- Workshop Objectives
- Section 227: Oil Piers, Ventura County, CA, Heather Schlosser
- An Evaluation of Performance Measures for Prefabricated Submerged Concrete Breakwaters: Section 227 Cape May Point, New Jersey Demonstration Project, Donald K Stauble, J.B. Smith and Randall A. Wise
- Bluff Stabilization along Lake Michigan, using Active and Passive Dewatering Techniques, Rennie Kaunda, Eileen Glynn, Ron Chase, Alan Kehew, Amanda Brotz and Jim Selegean
- Storm Damage at Cape Lookout
- Branchbox Breakwater Design at Pickleweed Trail, Martinez, CA
- Section 227: Miami, FL
- Section 227: Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve
- Section 227: Seabrook, New Hampshire
- Jefferson County, TX - Low Volume Beach Fill
- Sacred Falls, Oahsacred Falls, Oahu Section 227 Demonstration Project
- Fern Ridge LakFern Ridge Lake Hydrologic Aspects of Operation during Failure, Bruce J Duffe
- A Dam Safety Study Involving Cascading Dam Failures, Gordon Lance
- Spillway Adequacy Analysis of Rough River Lake Louisville District, Richard Pruitt
- Water Management in Iraq: Capability and Marsh Restoration, Fauwaz Hanbali
- Iraq Ministry of Water Resources Capacity Building, Michael J. Bishop, John W. Hunter, Jeffrey D. Jorgeson, Matthew M. McPherson, Edwin A. Theriot, Jerry W. Webb, Kathleen D. White, and Steven C. Wilhelms
- HEC Support of the CMEP Program, Mark Jensen
- Geospatial Integration of Hydrology & Hydraulics Tools for Multi-Purpose, Multi-Agency Decision Support, Timothy Pangburn, Joel Schlagel, Martha Bullock, Michael Smith, and Bryan Baker
- GIS & Surveying to Support FEMA Map Modernization and Example Bridge Report, Mark Flick
- High Resolution Bathymetry and Fly-Through Visualization, Paul Clouse
- Using GIS and HEC-RAS for Flood Emergency Plans, Stephen Stello
- High Resolution Visualizations of Multibeam Data of the Lower Mississippi River, Tom Tobin and Heath Jones
- System Wide Water Resources Program Unifying Technologies Geospatial Applications, Andrew J. Bruzewicz
- Raystown Plate Locations
- Hydrologic Engineering Center: HEC-HMS Version 3.0 New Features, Jeff Harris
- SEEP2D & GMS: Simple Tools for Solving a Variety of Seepage Problems, Clarissa Hansen, Fred Tracy, Eileen Glynn, Cary Talbot and Earl Edris
- Sediment and Water Quality in HEC-RAS, Mark Jensen
- Advances to the GSSHA Model, Aaron Byrd and Cary Talbot
- Watershed Analysis Tool: HEC-WAT Program, Chris Dunn
- Little Calumet River UnsteadLittle Calumet River Unsteady Flow Model Conversion UNET to HEC-RAS, Rick D. Ackerson
- Kansas River Basin Model, Edward Parker
- Design Guidance for Breakup Ice Control Structures, Andrew M. Tuthill
- Computational Hydraulic Model of the Lower Monumental Dam Forebay, Richard Stockstill, Charlie Berger, John Hite, Alex Carrillo, and Jane Vaughan
- Use of Regularization as a Method for Watershed Model Calibration, Brian Skahill
- Demonstration Program Urban Flooding and Channel Restoration in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions (UFDP), Joan Pope, Jack Davis, Ed Sing, John Warwick, Meg Jonas
- Walla Walla District Northwestern Division, Robert Berger
- Best Practices for Conduits through Embankment Dams, Chuck R. Cooper
- Design, Construction Design, Construction and Seepage at Prado Dam, Douglas E. Chitwood
- 2-D Liquefaction Evaluation with Q4Mesh, David C. Serafini
- Unlined Spillway Erosion Risk Assessment, Johannes Wibowo, Don Yule, Evelyn Villanueva and Darrel Temple
- Seismic Remediation of the Clemson Upper and Lower Diversion Dams; Evaluation, Conceptual Design and Design, Lee Wooten and Ben Foreman
- Seismic Remediation of the Clemson Upper and Lower Diversion Dams; Deep Soil Mix Construction, Lee Wooten and Ben Foreman
- Historical Changes in the State of the Art of Seismic Engineering and Effects of those changes on the Seismic Response Studies of Large Embankment Dams, Sam Stacy
- Iwakuni Runway Relocation Project, Vincent R. Donnally
- Internal Erosion & Piping at Fern Ridge Dam, Jeremy Britton
- Rough River Dam Safety Assurance Project, Timothy M. O'Leary
- Seepage Collection & Control Systems: The Devil is in the Details, John W. France
- Dewey Dam Seismic Assessment, Greg Yankey
- Seismic Stability Evaluation for Ute Dam, New Mexico, John W. France
- An Overview of Criteria Used by Various Organizations for Assessment and Seismic Remediation of Earth Dams, Jeffrey S. Dingrando
- A Review of Corps of Engineers Levee Seepage Practices and Proposed Future Changes, George Sills
- Ground-Penetrating Radar Applications for the Assessment of Pavements, Lulu Edwards and Don R. Alexander
- Peru Road Upgrade Project, Michael P. Wielputz
- Slope Stability Evaluation of the Baldhill Dam Right Abutment, Neil T. Schwanz
- Design and Construction of Anchored Bulkheads with Synthetic Sheet Piles Seabrook, New Hampshire, Siamac Vaghar and Francis Fung
- Characterization of Soft Claya Case Study at Craney Island, Aaron L. Zdinak
- Dispersive ClayDispersive Clays - Experience andHistory of the NRCS (Formerly SCS), Danny McCook
- Post-Tensioning Institute, Michael McCray
- Demonstration Program Urban Flooding and Channel Restoration in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions (UFDP), Joan Pope, Jack Davis, Ed Sing, John Warwick, Meg Jonas
- State of the Art in Grouting: Dams on Solution Susceptible or Fractured Rock Foundations, Arthur H. Walz
- Specialty Drilling, Testing, and Grouting Techniques for Remediation of Embankment Dams, Douglas M. Heenan
- Composite Cut-Offs for Dams, Dr. Donald A. Bruce and Trent L. Dreese
- State of the Art in Grout Mixes, James A. Davies
- State of the Art in Computer Monitoring and Analysis of Grouting, Trent L. Dreese and David B. Wilson
- Quantitatively Engineered Grout Curtains, David B. Wilson and Trent L. Dreese
- Grout Curtains at Arkabutla Dam: Outlet Monolith Joints and Cracks using Chemical Grout, Arkabutla Lake, MS, Dale A. Goss
- Chicago Underflow Plan - CUP: McCook Reservoir Test Grout Program, Joseph A. Kissane
- Clearwater Dam: Sinkhole Repair Foundation Investigation and Grouting Project, Mark Harris
- Update on the Investigation of the Effects of Boring Sample Size (3" vs 5") on Measured Cohesion in Soft Clays, Richard Pinner and Chad M. Rachel
- Soil-Bentonite Cutoff Wall Through Free-Product at Indiana Harbor CDF, Joe Schulenberg and John Breslin
- Soil-Bentonite Cutoff Wall Through Dense Alluvium with Boulders into Bedrock, McCook Reservoir, William A. Rochford
- Small Project, Big Stability Problem the Block Church Road Experience, Jonathan E. Kolber
- Determination of Foundation Rock Properties Beneath Folsom Dam, Michael K. Sharp, José L. Llopis and Enrique E. Matheu
- Waterbury Dam Mitigation, Bethany Bearmore
- Armor Stone Durability in the Great Lakes Environment, Joseph A. Kissane
- Mill Creek - An Urban Flood Control Challenge, Monica B. Greenwell
- Next Stop, The Twilight Zone, Troy S. O'Neal
- Limitations in the Back Analysis of Shear Strength from Failures, Rick Deschamps and Greg Yankey
- Reconstruction of Deteriorated Concrete Lock Walls After Blasting and Other Demolition Removal Techniques, Stephen G. O'Connor
- Flood Fighting Structures Demonstration and Evaluation Program (FFSD), George Sills
- Innovative Design Concepts Incorporated into a Landfill Closure and Reuse Design Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine, Dave Ray and Kevin Pavlik
- Laboratory Testing of Flood Fighting Structures, Johannes L. Wibowo, Donald L. Ward and Perry A. Taylor
- Bluff Stabilization Along Lake Michigan, Using Active and Passive Dewatering Techniques, Allegan Co. Michigan, Rennie Kaunda, Eileen Glynn, Ron Chase, Alan Kehew and Jim Selegean
- Case History: Multiple Axial Statnamic Tests on a Drilled Shaft Embedded in Shale, Paul J. Axtell, J. Erik Loehr, Daniel L. Jones
- The Sliding Failure of Austin Dam Pennsylvania - Revisited, Brian H. Greene
- M3 - Modeling, Monitoring and Managing: A Comprehensive Approach to Controlling Ground Movements for Protection of Existing Structures and Facilities, Francis D. Leathers and Michael P. Walker
- Time-Dependent Reliability Modeling for Use in Major Rehabilitation of Embankment Dams and Foundation, Robert C. Patev
- Lateral Pile Load Test Results Within a Soft Cohesive Foundation, Richard J. Varuso
- Engineering Geology Challenge Engineering Geology Challenges During Design and Construction of the Marmet Lock Project, Ron Adams and Mike Nield
- Mill Creek Deep Tunnel Geologic Conditions and Potential Impacts on Design/Construction, Kenneth E. Henn III
- McAlpine Lock Replacement Instrumentation: Design, Construction, Monitoring, and Interpretation, Troy S. O'Neal
- Geosynthetics and Construction of the Second Powerhouse Corner Collector Surface Flow Bypass Project, Bonneville Lock and Dam Project, Oregon and Washington, Art Fong
- McAlpine Lock Replacement Project Foundation Characteristics and Excavation, Kenneth E. Henn III
- Structural and Geotechnical Issues Impacting The Dalles Spillwall Construction and Bay 1 Erosion Repair, Jeffrey M. Ament
- Rock Anchor Design and Construction: The Dalles Dam Spillwalls, Kristie M. Hartfeil
- The Future of the Discrete Element Method in Infrastructure Analysis, Raju Kala, Johannes L. Wibowo and John F. Peters
- Sensitive Infrastructure Sites - Sonic Drilling Offers Quality Control and Non-Destructive Advantages to Geotechnical Construction Drilling, John P. Davis
- Evaluation of The Use of LithiuEvaluation of The Use of Lithium Compounds in Controlling ASR in Concrete Pavement, Mike Kelly
- Roller Compacted Concrete for McAlpine Lock Replacement, David E. Kiefer
- Soil-Cement for Stream Bank Stabilization, Wayne Adaska
- Using Cement to Reclaim Asphalt Pavements, David R. Luhr
- Valley Park 100-Yr Flood Protection Project: Use of "Engineered Fill" in the Item IV-B Levee Core, Patrick J. Conroy
- Bluestone Dam: AAR - A Case Study, Greg Yankey
- USDA Forest Service: Unpaved Road Stabilization with Chlorides, Michael R. Mitchell
- Use of Ultra-Fine Amorphous Colloidal Silica to Produce a High-Density, High-Strength Grout, Brian H. Green
- Modular Gabion Systems, George Ragazzo
- Addressing Cold Regions Issues in Pavement Engineering, Edel R. Cortez and Lynette Barna
- Geology of New York Harbor: Geological and Geophysical Methods of Characterizing the Stratigraphy for Dredging Contracts, Ben Baker, Kristen Van Horn and Marty Goff
- Rubblization of Airfield Concrete Pavements, Eileen M. VĂ©lez-Vega
- US Army Airfield Pavement Assessment Program, Haley Parsons, Lulu Edwards, Eileen Velez-Vega and Chad Gartrell
- Critical State for Probabilistic Analysis of Levee Underseepage, Douglas Crum
- Curing Practices for Modern Concrete Production, Toy Poole
- AAR at Carters Dam: Different Approaches, James Sanders
- Concrete Damage at Carters Dam, Toy Poole
- Damaging Interactions Among Concrete Materials, Toy Poole
- Economic Effects on Construction of Uncertainty in Test Methods, Toy Poole
- Trends in Concrete Materials Specifications, Toy Poole
- Spall and Intermediate-Sized Repairs for PCC Pavements, Reed Freeman and Travis Mann
- Acceptance Criteria Acceptance Criteria for Unbonded Aggregate Road Surfacing Materials, Reed Freeman, Toy Poole, Joe Tom and Dale Goss
- Effective Partnering to Overcome an Interruption In the Supply of Portland Cement During Construction at Marmet Lock and Dam, Billy D. Neeley, Toy S. Poole and Anthony A. Bombich
- Marmet Lock & Dam: Automated Instrumentation Assessment, Summer/Fall 2004, Jeff Rakes and Ron Adams
- Success Dam Seismic Remediation
- Canton Dam Spillway Stability: Is a Test Anchor Program Necessary?, Randy Mead
- Dynamic Testing and Numerical Correlation Studies for Folsom Dam, Ziyad Duron, Enrique E. Matheu, Vincent P. Chiarito, Michael K. Sharp and Rick L. Poeppelman
- Status of Portfolio Risk Assessment, Eric Halpin
- Mississinewa Dam Foundation Rehabilitation, Jeff Schaefer
- Wolf Creek Dam Seepage Major Rehabilitation Evaluation, Michael F. Zoccola
- Bluestone Dam DSA Anchor Challenges, Michael McCray
- Clearwater Dam Major Rehab Project, Bobby Van Cleave
- Design, Construction and Seepage at Prado Dam, Douglas E. Chitwood
- Seven Oaks Dam: Outlet Tunnel Invert Damage, Robert Kwan
- An Overview of An Overview of the Dam Safety ProgramManagement Tools (DSPMT), Tommy Schmidt
- Greenup L&D Miter Gate Repair and Instrumentation, Joseph Padula, Bruce Barker and Doug Kish
- Marmet Locks and Dam Lock Replacement Project, Jeffrey S. Maynard
- Status of HSS Inspections in The Portland District, Travis Adams
- Mel Price - Auxiliary Lock Downstream Miter Gate Repair, Thomas J. Quigley, Brian K. Kleber and Thomas R. Ruf
- J.T. Myers Lock Improvements Project Infrastructure Conference, David Schaaf and Greg Werncke
- J.T. Myers Dam Major Rehab, David Schaaf, Greg Werncke and Randy James
- Greenup L&D, Rodney Cremeans
- McAlpine Lock Replacement Project, Kathy Feger
- Roller Compacted Concrete Placement at McAlpine Lock, Larry Dalton
- Kentucky Lock Addition Downstream Middle Wall Monolith Design, Scott A. Wheeler
- London Locks and Dam Major Rehabilitation Project, David P. Sullivan
- Replacing Existing Lock 4: Innovative Designs for Charleroi Lock, Lisa R. Pierce, Dave A. Stensby and Steve R. Stoltz
- Olmsted L&D, Dam In-the-wet Construction, Byron McClellan, Dale Berner and Kenneth Burg
- Olmsted Floating Approach Walls, Terry Sullivan
- John Day Navigation Lock Monolith Repair, Matthew D. Hanson
- Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC) Lock Replacement, Mark Gonski
- Comite River Diversion Project, Christopher Dunn
- Waterline Support Failure: A Case Study, Angela DeSoto Duncan
- Public Appeal of Major Civil Projects: The Good, the Bad and the UglyKevin Holden and Kirk Sunderman
- Chickamauga Lock and Dam Lock Addition Cofferdam Height Optimization Study, Leon A. Schieber
- Des Moines Riverwalk, Thomas D. Heinold
- Folsom Dam Evaluation of Stilling Basin Performance for Uplift Loading for Historic Flows and Modification of Folsom Dam Stilling Basin for Hydrodynamic Loading, Rick L. Poeppelman, Yunjing (Vicky) Zhang, and Peter J. Hradilek
- Seismic Stress Analysis of Folsom Dam, Enrique E. Matheu
- Barge Impact Analysis for Rigid Lock Walls ETL 1110-2-563, John D. Clarkson and Robert C. Patev
- Belleville Locks & Dam Barge Accident on 6 Jan 05, John Clarkson
- Portugues Dam Project Update, Alberto Gonzalez, Jim Mangold and Dave Dollar
- Portugues Dam: RCC Materials Investigation, Jim Hinds
- Nonlinear Incremental Thermal Stress Strain Analysis Portugues Dam, David Dollar, Ahmed Nisar, Paul Jacob and Charles Logie
- Seismic Isolation of Mission-Critical Infrastructure to Resist Earthquake Ground Shaking or Explosion Effects, Harold O. Sprague, Andrew Whitaker and Michael Constantino
- Obermeyer Gated Spillway S381, Michael Rannie
- Design of High Pressure Vertical Steel Gates Chicago Land Underflow Plan McCook Reservoir, Henry W. Stewart, Hassan Tondravi, Lue Tekola
- Development of Design Criteria for the Rio Puerto Nuevo Contract 2D/2E Channel Walls, Janna Tanner, David Shiver, and Daniel Russell
- Indianapolis NortIndianapolis North Phase 3A Warfleigh Section
- Design of Concrete Lined Tunnels in Rock CUP McCook Reservoir Distribution Tunnels Contract, David Force
- GSA Progressive Collapse Design Guidelines Applied to Concrete Moment-Resisting Frame Buildings, David N. Bilow and Mahmoud E. Kamara
- UFC 4-023-02 Retrofit of Existing Buildings to Resist Explosive Effects, Jim Caulder
- Summit Bridge Fatigue Study, Jim Chu
- Quality Assurance for Seismic Resisting Systems, John Connor
- Seismic Requirements for Arch, Mech, and Elec. Components, John Connor
- SBEDS - (Single degree of freedom Blast Effects Design Spreadsheets), Dale Nebuda
- Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse UFC 4-023-03, Bernie Deneke
- Fatigue and Fracture Assessment, Jesse Stuart
- Unified Facilities Criteria: Seismic Design for Buildings, Jack Hayes
- Evaluation and Repair Of Blast Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams, MAJ John L. Hudson
- Building an In-house Bridge Inspection Program
- United Facilities CriteriUnited Facilities Criteria Masonry Design for Buildings, Tom Wright
- USACE Homeland Security Portal, Michael Pace
- Databse Tools for Civil Works Projects
- Standard Procedure for Fatigue Evaluation of Bridges, Phil Sauser
- Consolidation of Structural Criteria for Military Construction, Steven Sweeney
- Cathodic Protectionfor the South Power Plant Reinforcing Steel, Diego Garcia, BIOT, Thomas Tehada and Miki Funahashi
- Engineering Analysis of Airfield Lighting System Lightning Protection, Dr. Vladimir A. Rakov and Dr. Martin A. Uman
- Dr. Martin A. Uman
- Charleston AFB Airfield Lighting Vault
- Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) UFC 3-530-01 Design: Interior, Exterior Lighting and Controls, Nancy Clanton and Richard Cofer
- Electronic Keycard Access Locks, Fred A Crum
- Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-560-02, Electrical Safety, John Peltz and Eddie Davis
- Electronic Security SystemElectronic Security Systems Process Overview
- Lightning Protection Standards
- Electrical Military Workshop
- Information Technology Systems Criteria, Fred Skroban and John Peltz
- Electrical Military Workshop
- Electrical Infrastructure in Iraq- Restore Iraqi Electricity, Joseph Swiniarski
- BACnet® Technology Update, Dave Schwenk
- The Infrastructur Conference 2005, Steven M. Carter Sr. and Mitch Duke
- Design Consideration for the Prvention of Mold, K. Quinn Hart
- Commissioning, Jim Snyder
- New Building Commissioning, Gary Bauer
- Ventilation and IAQ TheNew ASHRAE Std 62.1, Davor Novosel
- Basic Design Considerations for Geothermal Heat Pump Systems, Gary Phetteplace
- Packaged Central Plants
- Effective Use Of Evaporative Cooling For Industrial And Institutional/Office Facilities, Leon E. Shapiro
- Seismic Protection For Mechanical Equipment
- Non Hazardous Chemical Treatments for Heating and Cooling Systems, Vincent F. Hock and Susan A. Drozdz
- Trane Government Systems & Services
- LONWORKS Technology Update, Dave Schwenk
- Implementation of Lon-Based Specifications, Will White and Chris Newman
- Utility System Security and Fort Future, Vicki Van Blaricum, Tom Bozada, Tim Perkins, and Vince Hock
- Festus/Crystal City Levee and Pump Station
- Chicago Underflow Plan McCook Reservoir (CUP) Construction of Distribution Tunnel and Pumps Installation
- Technological Advances in Lock Control Systems, Andy Schimpf and Mike Maher
- Corps of Engineers in Iraq Rebuilding Electrical Infrastructure, Hugh Lowe
- Red River of the North at East Grand Forks, MN & Grand Forks, ND: Flood Control Project - Armada of Pump Stations Protect Both Cities, Timothy Paulus
- Lessons Learned for Axial/Mixed Flow Propeller Pumps, Mark A. Robertson
- Creek Automated Gate Considerations, Mark A. Robertson
- HydroAMP: Hydropower Asset Management, Lori Rux
- Acoustic Leak Detection for Water Distribution Systems, Sean Morefield, Vincent F. Hock and John Carlyle
- Remote Operation System, Kaskaskia Dam Design, Certification & Accreditation, Shane M. Nieukirk
- Lock Gate Replacement System, Shaun A. Sipe and Will Smith
- "Re-Energizing Medical Facility Excellence", COL Rick Bond
- Rebuilding and Renovating The Pentagon, Brian T. Dziekonski
- Resident Management System
- Design-Build and Army Military Construction, Mark Grammer
- Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvements Act - Update, Mark Grammer
- Construction Management @ Risk: Incentive Price Revision - Successive Targets, Christine Hendzlik
- Construction Reserve Matrix, Christine Hendzlik
- Award contingent on several factors , Christine Hendzlik
- 52.216-17 Incentive Price Revision--Successive Targets (Oct 1997) - Alt I (Apr 1984), Christine Hendzlik
- Preconstruction Services, Christine Hendzlik
- Proposal Evaluation Factors, Christine Hendzlik
- MILCON Transformation in Support of Army Transformation, Claude Matsui
- Construction Practices in Russia, Lance T. Lawton
- Partnering as a Best Practice, Ray Dupont
- USACE Tsunami Reconstruction for USAID, Andy Constantaras
- Dredging Worldwide, Don Carmen
- SpecsIntact Editor, Steven Freitas
- SpecsIntact Explorer, Steven Freitas
- American River Watershed Project, Steven Freitas
- Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Conversion To MasterFormat 2004, Carl Kersten
- Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Status and Direction, Jim Quinn
- Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse UFC 4-023-03, Bernie Deneke
- Security Engineering and at Unified Facility Criteria (UFC), Bernie Deneke, Richard Cofer, John Lynch and Rudy Perkey
- Packaged Central Plants, Trey Austin
DTIC Citations
AD1017676 (Vol 1, Track 1)
AD1017679 (Vol 2, Track 2)
AD1017680 (Vol 3, Track 3)
AD1017687 (Vol 5, Track 5)
AD1017689 (Vol 6, Track 6)
AD1017760 (Vol 7, Track 7 & 8)
AD1017767 (Vol 8, Track 8)
AD1017787 (Vol 9, Track 9 - 11)
AD1017803 (Vol 10, Track 12)
AD1017811 (Vol 11, Track 13 & 14)
AD1017818 (Vol 12, Track 15 - 171)
AD1017822 (Vol 13, Track 20, 21 & Workshops)